a 1: and (what about)...?, but what about...? ~ qizlar-chi? And what about the girls?\n\n2: interjection used as an intensifier; huh? right?. qarang-~, qanday bahor! Will you just look, what a spring! u juda quv Ekan-~! He's really slick, isn't he? men ham boraman, ~? I'm going too, right? abad (Arabic) eternity; eternal. to ~ for all eternity. abaditylashtirmoq v.t. to immortalize. abadiy (Arabic) eternal. abadiya obs. (Arabic) saodati ~ eternal happiness. abadiyan lit. rare: (Arabic) forever, for all time. abadiyat lit. rare: (Arabic) eternity. abadiylash immortalization. abadiylik eternalness, eternity. abadulobod arch. (Arabic) forever, until the end of time. abajur (Russian) lampshade. abas obs. (Arabic) vain, useless. abbat (Russian) abbot. abbosiy (Arabic) Abbasid. abbreviatura (Russian) abbreviation. abdol obs. (Arabic) pious, ascetic; dervish, vagabond. abdolvash obs. (Arabic) dervish-like, simple. aberratsiya (Russian) aberration. aberratsiyon (Russian) aberrant, unusual. abgor (Persian) in deplorable condition, ruined, abject. ~ qil- to ruin utterly. abgorlik abstr. of abgor; abject or deporable condition.abira lit.great-grandchild (s. Evara). abiturient (Russian) freshman in secondary school. abjad (Arabic) enumeration system in which each letter of the Arabic alphabet indicates a number from 1-1000 (~ hisobi or hisobi ~ enumeration using this system. abjaq ~ bo'l-/~i chiq- to be smashed to bits, to be totally destroyed or ruined. ~ qil-/~ini chiqar- to smash to bits, to destroy, to bust. abjaqlamoq rare: v.t. to smash to bits, to ruin. [abjaqlan-] abjir quick, adept, dexterious. abjirlik adeptness, quickness. ablah (Arabic) idiot. ablahlarcha idiotic(ally). ablahlik idiocy. ablahona s. ablahlarcha. ablaq (Arabic) dappled. abonement (Russian) subscription (s. obuna). abonent (Russian) subscriber (s. obynachi). abort (Russian) abortion (s. ~ qil- to perform an abortion abortiv (Russian) adj. of abort; abortive; stunted. abr obs. (Persian) cloud (s. ~i nayson spring raincloud. ~i navbahor early spring cloud. chun ~i navbahor just like an early spring cloud. abraziv(lar) (Russian) abrasive(s). abrishim arch. (Persian) silk (s. ipak); silk material. ituzum bot.solanum, black-berried nightshade. abro' poet.: (Persian) brow (s. qosh). abro'kamon poet.: (Persian) arched eyebrows. absenteizm (Russian) absenteeism. absolyut (Russian) the absolute; absolute. aholining ~ o'sishi absolute population growth. absolyutizm (Russian) absolutism. abstrakt (Russian) abstract. abstraktlashtirmoq v.t. to make abstract. [abstraktlashtiril-] abstraktlik abstractness. abstraktsionist (Russian) abstract artist. abstraktsionizm (Russian) abstract art. abstraktsiya (Russian) abstraction. abstsess (Russian) abscess. abstsissa (Russian) abscissa. abxaz Abkhazian. abzal (Persian) harness, gear (for riding animals). abzallamoq v.t. to saddle, to harness. [abzallan-, abzallat-] abzats (Russian) indention; paragraph.acha dial.grandmother; great-grandmother; mother.achchiq miya bot.sophora. achchiq sour, bitter; (spicy) hot; strong-tasting, sharp; biting, cutting; caustic, scathing; painful, heart-rending; anger, wrath; pains, difficulties, sorrows. tili ~ sharp-tongued. ~i chiqdi/~i ~ choy strong or bitter tea. ~ qil- to be cross or angry. ~i bilan crossly, angrily. ~ kulto laugh viciously. ~ini tarqat- to vent one's anger. ~idan tush- to calm down. achchiq-chuchuk salad made of thinly sliced onions and tomatoes; ups and downs, good and bad times; caustic, biting, sarcastic. dunyoning ~lari ups and downs of life, good and bad times.achchiq-tirsiq dial.s. achchiq-tizziq. achchiqlanmoq v.i. to lose one's temper. [achchiqlanish-, achchiqlantir-] achchiqlashmoq v.i. to get angry at one another, to exchange angry words. achchiqlik abstr. of achchiq. achchiqmag'iz having a bitter pit or stone (e.g., apricot) achchiq-tizziq biting, caustic (language). achchiqtosh alum. achimoq v.i. to go sour, to go bad; to sting, to burn; to use harsh or sarcastic language. ~b-bijib yotibdi to be piled all over, to have piles and piles of. yuragi ~di to suffer pangs of remorse. miyasi ~b ket- to go out of one's mind, to have one's head spin. miyasi ~ qolto go out of one's mind. [achin-, achit-, achish-] achimsiq sour, acrid. achinarli pitiful, pathetic, deplorable. achinishli rare: s. achinarli. achinmoq v.i. to pity, to feel sorry for; to feel distressed for, to feel hurt and angry for. [achinish-, achintir-] achipti a type of knucklebones game. achishmoq v.i. to sting, to burn. ichi ~yapti to have hunger pains; to feel pity. yuragi ~di to feel pity. [achishtir-] achitma fermented, leavened. achitmoq v.t. caus. of jon(ni) ~- to cause physical pain. miyani ~- to cause a headache, to make s.o. go out of one's head. yurakni ~- to make feel pity. achitqi leavening, yeast, culture, ferment. achom children's speech, hug. ~ qilto give a hug. achom-achom a children's game wherein an adult catches a running child up in his arms. achomlamoq children's speech; v.t. to hug. [achomlash-] ada dad, father. ~si form of address used by women to their husbands. adab (Arabic) proper behavior, decency, conduct, manners. ~ ber- to teach good manners. ~ini ber- to scold, to chew out, to work over. ~ini ye- to be taught a lesson. ~ saqla- to behave properly, to use the proper manners. adabiy (Arabic) literary. adabiyot (Arabic) literature.\n\nfine literature.: (Arabic) adabiyotchi scholar of literature; writer. adabiyotchilik writing, authorship. adabiyotshunos (Persian) scholar of literature. adabiyotsunoslik literary studies. adabiy-publitsistik pertaining to journalism on literature and current affairs?? [literaturno-publitsisticheskiy] adabli well-mannered, polite, well-behaved. adablilik good breeding, well-manneredness. adabsiz ill-mannered, impolite, rude, uncivil, lewd. adabsizlik poor manners, bad behavior; impoliteness. adad (Arabic) unit, piece, number. adadsiz innumerable. adak-chechak s. atak-chechak. adam obs. (Arabic) lack, dearth. ~ qil-/ayla- to do away with, to eliminate. adaptatsiya (Russian) adaptation. adash 1: having the same name as s.o. else.\n\n2: missing its match (of a pair); mistakenly, in error. adashmoq v.i. to get lost, to go astray; to err, to make a mistake; to lose, to be separated from; to be mixed up or jumbled, lost. [adashtir-, adashtiril-] adashtirmoq v.t. caus. of adash-; to lead astray. addoiy arch. (Arabic) your humble servant (lit., 'who invokes (your) blessings'- used by the writer of a letter). adekvat (Russian) identical, coincident. ~ tarjima accurate translation. adekvatlik identicalness; accuracy. adib (Arabic) writer. adiba (Arabic) fem. of adib. adi-badi ~ aytish- to wrangle. ~ aytmay w/o carrying on. adiblik asbtr. of adib; authorship. adibona in a literary manner. adigey Adigey.?? adil (Arabic) straight; just. ~ qomat upright, comely figure. qomatini ~ tutto straighten one's figure. adillik abstr. of adil; justice, fairness. adip piping, trim, border material. adiplamoq to sew on piping or trim. adir hills, slopes, heights. adir-gazalar hilly area; hills. adirli hilly. adirlik hills, hilly area. adl (Arabic) justice, fairness. ~ tur- to uphold justice or truth. adl-insof justice and compassion. adliya arch. (Arabic) justice (s. yustitsiya). administrativ (Russian) administrative. administrator (Russian) administrator. administratorlik abstr. of ~ qil- to administer, to serve as an administrator. administratsiya (Russian) administration. admiral (Russian) admiral. admirallik abstr. of ~ unvoni title of admiral. adno obs. (Arabic) lowest, worst, lowliest. ado (Arabic) end, completion, fulfilment. ~ bo'l- to be finished, to be done; to be done in (by s.t.), to be worn down (by s.t.). ~ bo'lgur! Drop dead! ~ yet-/~ qil- to carry out, to complete, to fulfill; to wear out, to do in. adolat (Arabic) justice. ~ axtar-/izlato strive for justice. adolatli just, fair. adolatparvar (Persian) supporting or nurturing justice. adolatparvarlik patronage of justice. adolatsiz unjust. adolatsizlik injustice. adovat (Arabic) enmity, hostility. ~ qil-/et- to harbor enmity. adovatchilik s. adovat. adovatli hostile, full of enmity. adovatsiz cordial, free of enmity. adovatsizlik lack of enmity, cordiality. adoyi (Persian) ~ tamom bo'l- to be done in or completely worn down (by s.t.). adras (Persian) a mixed cotton and silken material. adrasbof (Persian) weaver of adras. adres (Russian) address. ~ stoli/~lar daftari address book. ~iga directed at one's person. adresant (Russian) sender. adresat (Russian) addressee. adreslanmoq to be addressed. adsorbtsiya (Russian) adsorption. advokat (Russian) lawyer. advokatlik abstr. of advokat. advokatura (Russian) lawyer work, lawyering; lawyers. adyol (Russian) blanket. ad'yutant (Russian) aide-de-camp. aerochana (Russian) propeller-driven sled. aerodinamik (Russian) aerodynamic. aerodinamika (Russian) aerodynamics. aerodrom (Russian) aerodrome. aerofotos'yomka (Russian) aerial photograph. aeroklub (Russian) flying club. aeromexanika (Russian) airplane mechanics. aeronavigatsiya (Russian) aerial navigation. aeroplan arch. (Russian) aeroplane. aeroport (Russian) airport. aerostat (Russian) balloon. aerostatika (Russian) aerostatics. aerovokzal (Russian) airport terminal. afandi (Ott.): sir, gentleman, esquire; teacher; nickname for Xo'ja Nasriddin; silly person, fool, knucklehead; joke, tale. affiks (Russian) affix affrikat (Russian) affricative. afg'on 1: Afghan.\n\n2 lit.: (Persian) cries, wailing, lamentation. afg'oniy (Persian) Afghan. afif obs. (Arabic) pure, chaste. afifa obs. (Arabic) fem. of afif. afisha (Russian) poster, announcement. afkor arch. (Arabic) thought(s). ~i omma/umum/umumiya public opinion. Aflotun Plato. ~ miya genius (lit., with a brain like Plato's). aforistik (Russian) aphoristic. aforizm (Russian) aphorism. afsar (Persian) crown. afsona (Persian) legend; (tall) tale. ~ bo'l- to be a legend. ~ to'qi- to weave a tale. afsonachi storyteller. afsonaviy (Persian) fantastic; fictitious, made-up; unbelievable. afsonavor (Persian) unbelievable, fantastic. afsun (Persian) spell, sorcery, witchcraft, magic. (s. jodu). afsunchi s. afsungar. afsungar (Persian) sorcerer, witch, caster of spells (s. jodugar). afsunkor (Persian) s. afsungar. afsunlamoq v.t. to cast a spell on, to bewitch. afsus (Persian) sorry, regret; alas, unfortunately, regrettably, too bad. ~ki unfortunately,... ~ ye-/~li regrettable, lamentable. afsuslanmoq v.i. to feel sorry, to regret. aft (Persian) face; countenance, appearance. ~iga kel- to regain one's former self. ~ing qursin Damn you. aft-angor a person's face and appearance. aft-bashara face, looks; inner thoughts. aft-bosh s. aft-bashara. aftidan apparently. aftoda arch. (Persian) destitute, helpless. aftodahol (Persian) destitute, helpless; on one's deathbed. afv (Arabic) forgiveness, pardon. ~ Et-/~ Etasiz Excuse me,... ~ umumiy general amnesty. afyun (Arabic) opium. afzal (Arabic) better, superior, more desired. ~ ko'r-/sana-/hisobla-/bil- to consider superior, to prefer. ag'anamoq s. ag'na-. agar(da/chi) (Persian) if; had...; should... ~-magar if, should it happen that... ag'dargich tipple, dumper; release mechanism?? [sbrasyvatel'] ag'darma reversible; self-unloading; self-unloading cart. ~ Etik boots with outer leather faced inward. ~ qilib haydash plowing to turn over the soil [vspashka v razval]?? ag'darmoq v.t. to topple, to fell; to tip over, to empty (dish); to turn inside out; to turn over (in plowing); to heap (blame). birovga bo'hton ~- to slander. yil ~- to figure s.o.?s age according to the 12-year animal cycle. ko'ngli ~ildi to feel sick to one's stomach. ko'nglini ~- to turn one's stomach, to make nauseated. o'ziga ~- to attract or divert to o.s.??; to shunt towards, to get possession of? [ag'daril-, ag'darish-, ag'dart-] ag'dar-to'ntar topsy-turvy. agent (Russian) agent. agentlik abstr. of agent; spying; agency. agentura (Russian) intelligence service; agents. agglyutinativ (Russian) agglutinative. agglyutinatsiya (Russian): agglutination. agitator (Russian) political agitator, campaigner, propagandizer. agitatorlik abstr. of ~ qil- to work as a propagandizer. agitatsiya (Russian) political agitation, campaigning. agitatsiyon (Russian) adj. of agitatsiya. agitbrigada (Russian) political agitation brigade. agitkollektiv (Russian) political agitation collective. agitpoezd (Russian) political agitation train. agitpunk (Russian) (= agitatsiya punkti) political agitation center. ag'namoq v.i. to toss and turn, to writhe; to topple, to fall or roll over. [ag'nat-, ag'natil-, ag'natish-, ag'nash-]ag'raycoll.s. angray-. agnostik (Russian) agnostic. agnostitsizm (Russian) agnosticism. agrar (Russian) agrarian. agrarchi ?? [agrarnik] agregat (Russian) unit, assembly; aggregate. agressiv (Russian) aggressive. agressivlik aggressiveness; aggression. agressiya (Russian) aggression. agressiyachi aggressor. agressiyachilik abstr. of agressiyachi; aggression. agressor (Russian) aggressor. agressorlik abstr. of agressor; aggression. agribiologik (Russian) agrobiological. agrikultura (Russian) agriculture. agrobiologiya (Russian) agro-biology. agrocanoat agro-industry. agrokultura (Russian) agriculture. agromeliorativ (Russian) pertaining to agricultural improvement. agromelioratsiya (Russian) agricultural improvement. agronom (Russian) agronomist. agronomik (Russian) agronomic. agronomiya (Russian) agronomy. agronomlik abstr. of agronom. agrotexnik (Russian) adj. of agrotexnika; agricultural technician. agrotexnika (Russian) agricultural technology. agrouchastka (Russian) agricultural land. agroximiya (Russian) agricultural chemistry. ag'yor obs. (Arabic) others, strangers; rival(s). aha Aha! ahamiyat (Arabic) importance, concern. ~ ber- to pay attention to, to consider important. ~i yo'q It?s not important; It?s nothing. ahamiyatli important. ahamiyatlilik importance. ahamiyatsiz unimportant. ahamiyatsizlik unimportance. ahbob obs. (Arabic) friends, fellows, companions. ahd (Arabic) oath, promise; agreement, pact. ~ qilish- to make a pact. ~ tuz- to forge an agreement. ~ qil- to swear, to give one's word. ahdlashmoq v.i. to make a pact. ahdlashuvchi v.n. of ahdlash-; contracting or agreeing (party), signer (of a pact). ahdnoma (Persian) pact, agreement. ahd(u)-paymon (Persian) pact, agreement, oath; period, time. ~ qil- to make a solemn oath, to give one's word. ahil (Arabic) friendly, amicable; in harmony, together.. ahilchilik s. ahillik. ahillik harmony, friendliness, togetherness. ahl (Arabic) people, members of a group, men; inhabitants; attendant, participant. adabiyot ~lari people of literature. dehqon ~(lar)i farming folk, farmers. saroy ~li courtiers. majlis ~lari participants at a meeting. xotin ~i womenfolk. ~i kosib craftsmen. ~i ma'rifat intelligentsia, educated people. ~i rasta merchants, tradesmen. ~i nag'ma musicians. ~i hojat the needy. shahar ~i citydwellers, city inhabitants. ~i san'at people in the arts. mehnat ~lari working people. ~i qubur the dead. ahmoq (Arabic) idiot. ~larning ~i fool of fools. ~qa to'qmoq dynamometer. ~ qil- to make a fool of. ~qa chiqar- to consider a fool. ahmoqchilik foolishness, idiocy. s. ahmoqlik qil-. ahmoqgarchilik stupid thing or action, foolishness. ahmoqlik abstr. of ~ qil- to do s.t. foolish; to play the fool. ahmoqona foolish, lame-brained. aholi (Arabic) population, inhabitants. ahvol (Arabic) situation, condition, state; health, well-being. ~lar yaxshimi? How are things?, How are you doing? ~(i) ruhiya (arch.) disposition, demeanor. ~ so'ra- to inquire after one's health, to ask how s.o. is doing. bu ~ this state, this situation. bu ~da in this case, in this situation. ahvolot lit.: (Arabic) situation, conditions, circumstances. ahyon (Arabic) ~da/~-~da from time to time; here and there. ajab (Arabic) amazing, astounding, strange. ~ bo'ldi/~ qildi Good for him! Right on! ~mi-e Really?; No way!?? ajablanarli amazing. ajablanmoq v.i. to be amazed or surprised. [ajablantir-] ajabo (Arabic) For goodness' sake! My lands! ajabsinmoq v.i. to be somewhat surprised. ajabtovur coll.: (Persian) fine, outstanding. ajal (time of) death. ~i yet- to have one's time be up. ~ olsin/~idan besh kun burun before its time. ~ haydab kelgan Ekan said of one who dies in a certain place he has just traveled to. ajam obs. (Arabic) non-Arab, esp. Persian; name of a shashmaqom. ajamiy (Arabic) not Arab, Persian. ajdahor (Persian) s. ajda(r)ho. ajdar (Persian) dragon. ajdargul bot.: (Persian) snapdragon. ajda(r)ho (Persian) dragon. ajdarnafs (Persian) insatiable, gluttonous. ajdod (Arabic) ancestors. aji-aji children's game of hiding the face or other object and peeking from time to time, saying "~ qil- to play aji-aji, to peep out. ajib (Arabic) phenomenal, wondrous. aji-buji wriggly, squiggly. ajin wrinkle. ajina (Arabic) jinn, spirit; small, ugly person. ajiva (Arabic) ugly, hideous; laughingstock. ~ qil- to ridicule. ~sini chiqar- to kill, to destroy, to total. ~ bo'l- to be a laughingstock. ajiva-jinni unsightly, revolting; crazy, wild. ajnabiy (Arabic) foreign; foreigner. ajnos obs. (Arabic) sorts, types. uy ~lari household goods. ajoyib (Arabic) amazing, astounding; strange. ajoyib-g'aroyib (Arabic) incredulous, amazing. ajoyiblik amazingness, strangeness, queerness. ajoyibot (Arabic) wonders, amazing things. ajoyibxona (Persian) house of wonders, museum ( s. muzey). ajr recompense, retribution. ~ini ko'rto receive one's just rewards. ajralmas inseparable. ajralmoq v.i. to split, to cleave (from); to peel away; to be secreted; to be separated or part from, to leave; to get divorced; to be separated by; to be distinguished by. [ajralish-] ajramoq v.i. to part or be separated from (s. ajral-) [ajral-, ajrat-, ajratil-, ajrash-]. ajrashmoq v.i. to leave, to separate; to be divorced. ajratma deduction; allotment. ajratmoq v.t. caus. of ajra-; to separate, to divide, to prise apart or away from; to sort, to classify, to isolate; to set aside; to distinguish between. [ajratil-] ajrim agreement, settlement; ruling, decision. ~ qil- to forge an agreement; to make a ruling or decision. ajrimlik exclusiveness.ajriq bot.fingered panick grass. ajriqzor patch of ajriq. ajuz (Arabic) s. ayomi ajuz. ajuz-majuz s. ayomi ajuz. ajz obs. (Arabic) inability, weakness.ak-ak ono.yelping, barking sound. ~ qil- to yelp or bark. aka older brother; form of address to an older male; master of a dancing boy (~si endearing form of address used by males to younger males. ~-singil (older) brother and (younger) sister. tug'ishgan ~-uka siblings. akademik (Russian) academic. ~ soat academic (class) period (45 minutes). ~ teatr highest award given to Soviet theaters. akademiya (Russian) academy. akademizm (Russian) pure theorization, academic conjecture. akalamoq v.t. to address with the epithet "aka".akas coll.s. akatsiya.akashak coll.cramp, spasm; crooked, bent, bowed. akashaklanmoq v.i. to have a cramp or spasm; to become bent or crooked. akatsiya bot.: (Russian) acacia. akavachcha master of a dancing boy (bachcha). akbar obs. (Arabic) great, grand. jihodi ~ holy war; great battle or war. vaziri ~ grand vizier. akildoq always barking, noisy (dog); whiner, cry-baby, grumbler. akillamoq v.i. to bark, to howl; to whine, to carry on; to cry constantly (baby). [akillat-, akillash-] akkord 1: (Russian) chord.\n\n2: (Russian) ~ ish piece work. ~ haq to'lash payment per piece. akkordeon (Russian) accordion. akkordeonchi accordion player. akkreditiv (Russian) letter of credit. akkumulyator (Russian) accumulator, wet cell, car battery. akobir (Arabic) high official, important person. akrobat (Russian) acrobat. akrobatchi s. akrobat. akrobatik (Russian) acrobatic. akrobatika (Russian) acrobatics. aks 1: (Arabic) reflection; opposite, contrary, reverse; obstinate, stubborn; effect. ~ Et- to be reflected; to be visible or noticeable; to echo. ~iga olto turn out the opposite, to do the opposite. ~ sado echo. ~ holda otherwise. ~iga to the contrary, instead.\n\n2: jinn, spirit. ~ tegdi to be touched by jinn. aksa (Arabic) sneeze (s. ~ ur- to sneeze. aksar (Arabic) most, the most, the majority; usually, most often. aksari (Arabic) usually, mostly. aksariyat (Arabic) majority.aksicha coll.s. aksincha. aksilharakat arch. (Arabic) reaction, reactionary movement. aksilharakatchi reactionary. aksilinqilob arch. (Arabic): counterrevolution.aksilinqilobchi arch.counterrevolutionary. aksiliqilobiy arch. (Arabic): counterrevolutionary. aksincha to the contrary; wrongly, incorrectly, backwards; on the contrary, just the opposite. aksioma (Russian) axiom. aksiriq sneeze, sneezing. aksirmoq v.i. to sneeze. [aksirtir-] akslanmoq 1: v.i. to be reflected.\n\n2: v.i. to fall ill from being touched by jinn. akslik abstr. of aks; stubbornness, contrariness. akt (Russian) act; deed, document. aktiniy (Russian) actinium. aktiv 1: (Russian) active member (e.g., of the Party); active, energetic.\n\n2: (Russian) assets. ~ balans active balance?? aktivlashmoq v.i. to become active or involved. [aktivlashtir-] aktivlik activeness. ~ ko'rsat- to participate actively. aktrisa (Russian) actress. aktsent (Russian) accent. aktsept fin. (Russian): acceptance.aktseptlash fin.acceptance. aktsioner (Russian) shareholder. aktsiya 1: (Russian) share (in stock).\n\n2: (Russian) action. aktsiyachi s. aktsioner. aktsiyador s. aktsioner. aktsiyalik s. aktsioner; shareholding. aktsiz (Russian) duty, excise tax; duty office (in Tsarist Russia). ~ yig'imi tax collection. aktual (Russian) actual; topical, current. aktuallik topicality. aktyor (Russian) actor. aktyorlik abstr. of aktyor; acting. akula (Russian) shark. akushyor (Russian) obstetrician. akushyorka (Russian) midwife. akushyorlik abstr. of akushyor; obstetrics, midwifery. akustik (Russian) acoustician; acoustic. akustika (Russian) acoustics. akvarel (Russian) water-color(s). akvarium (Russian) aquarium. alacha 1: a hand-woven striped material.alacha 2 bot.a type of melon. alachabof weaver of alacha. alaf (Arabic) wild grass, hay. alag'da ko'ngil ~ unsettled, disturbed, uneasy. ~ bo'l- to be uneasy. alahlamoq v.i. to mumble, to rave, to be delirious (from fever, etc.); to babble, to rave on about s.t.alahsira- dial.to be somewhat delirious. alak a type of hand-spun cotton material. alalxusus obs. (Arabic) especially. alam 1: (Arabic) pain, grief, suffering; vengeance, grudge; anger, wrath. ~ tort-/~ qil- to vex, to torment.. ~(ini) ol- to get revenge; to dissipate one's anger or grief (e.g., through work). Isaning ~ini Musadan ol- to use s.o. as a scapegoat. ~dan tarqa-/~ga kir- to begin to hurt.\n\n2: (Arabic) flag, banner; votive strip of cloth tied on a tree branch near a holy site. a'lam arch. (Arabic) head mufti (interpreter of Islamic law). alam-achchiq pain and suffering, grief and woe. alamangiz (Persian) painful, distressing. alamdiyda (Persian) bereaved, forlorn. alamdor (Persian) standard-bearer. alam-iztirob (Arabic) pain and suffering. alamli painful; pained, suffering; full of grief. alamnok (Persian) s. alamli.alamon coll.crowd, throng (s. olomon). al'amon (Arabic) I/We surrender! alam-sitam s. ~ qil-/ko'rsat- to torment, to cause pain. alamzada (Persian) bereaved, afflicted; vengeful. alamzadalik abstr. of alamzada. ~dan from much suffering. ~ bilan/~i oshib out of intense suffering; enduring much suffering. alanga flame. ~ ol- to catch flame. alangalanmoq v.i. to catch flame, to ignite, to be sparked. [alangalantir-] alangalanuvchan inflammable. alangalatmoq v.i. to set aflame. alangali aflame, burning; fiery, fervent. alang-jalang darting, nervous, wild. alangla(n)moq v.i. to look around furtively. [alanglan-, alanglat-, alanglash-] alas-alas treating a seriously ill person by circling the patients head with either a small torch or his own clothing; treating demon possession by having the patient jump over a bonfire during the month of ~ qil- to treat a person in this manner.alash dial.massacre; lynching. ~ qil- to massacre; to lynch. alaslamoq v.t. to treat a person by performing alas-alas. alaxsimoq v.i. to be distracted, to be drawn away (from the task at hand). gapga ~- to be distracted by talk. [alaxsit-]alay-balay coll.this and that, prattle, excuses, heeing and hawing. ~ de- to say anything, to open one's mouth, to make excuses. alayh (Arabic) s. binoan alayh. alayhilla'na (Arabic) May God damn him (said of the Devil). alayhissalom (Arabic) Upon him peace (epithet of prophets, etc.). alaykum (Arabic) s. assalomu alaykum. alayno (Persian) ~ oshkor clear as can be, plain to see. alban Albanian. albasti a witch-like demon which often takes the form of a goat; hideous-looking, witch-like.albat poet.s. albatta. albom (Russian) album. albumin (Russian) albumin. aldab-suldab fooling or duping by whatever means, leading down the garden path; to console; cajoling, coaxing one way or another. aldam trickery. aldamchi lier, cheater, trickster. aldamchilik abstr. of aldamchi; cheating, lying, deception. aldamoq v.t. to fool, to deceive; to lie; to cajole into doing s.t. [aldan-, aldat-, aldash-] aldam-qaldam tricky, underhanded. aldoqchi s. aldamchi. aldoqchilik lying, cheating, trickery. aldovchi v.n. of alda-; s. aldoqchi. oxen. ~ qilib yer haydash to share a pair of oxen to plow one's fields. alebastr (Russian) alabaster. aleut Aleut. alfa (Russian) alpha. alfavit (Russian) s. alifbe. alfoz obs. (Arabic) word(s), expressions.alg'i zool.hazel grouse, Rugulidae.alg'ov-dalg'ov coll.disorder, fighting and commotion, turmoil; fuss. ~ qilib yubor- to send into complete turmoil.alg'ov hist.shared pair of plow algebra (Russian) algebra. algebraik (Russian) algebraic. alhamdulilloh (Arabic) Praise be to God. alhazar (Arabic) God forbid!; For shame! alhol obs. (Arabic) right now, presently. alhosil obs. (Arabic) in short, to sum up. ali (Arabic) ~ desa, bali de- to talk back, to say tit for tat, not to take any crap from. ~ Xo'ja-Xo'ja ~ six of one, a half dozen of the other. alibi (Russian) alibi. alif 1: (Arabic) the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. ~ qomat upright, attractive build. ~ni kaltak deyolmaydi or qornini yorsang, ~ chiqmaydi completely uneducated.\n\n2: (Russian) ~ moy drying oil (used in paints). alifbe (Arabic) alphabet; alphabet primer. alifbo arch. (Arabic) s. alifbe. alifmoy s. alif 2. alik (Arabic) response to ~ salom ham farz, ~ ham farz It's one's religious duty to both say, "Salaam alaykum" and to respond. aliment (Arabic) alimony (s. nafaqa). alish divide (between two watersheds); dam; missing its match (s. adash 2). alishinmoq v.i. pass. of alish-; to turn into, to change into. alishmoq v.t. to exchange, to trade, to swap. [alishin-, alishtir-, alishtiril-] alishtirmoq v.t. caus. of alish-; to change, to renew. alizarin (Russian) alizarin. aljimoq v.i. to prattle on, to talk nonsense; to say untoward or impolite things; to ramble, to blabber. [aljit-, aljish-] aljiramoq s. alji-. alkaloid (Russian) alkaloid; alkaloidal. alkimyo (Arabic) alchemy. alkogol (Russian) alcohol. alkogolik (Russian) alcoholic. alkogolizm (Russian) alcoholism. alla 1: lullaby.alla 2 coll.~ bo'l- to tumble over. ~ qil- to make tumble over, to knock down; to pull a number on, to dupe. allakim someone or other. allalamoq v.t. to put to sleep with a lullaby; to pamper, to spoil. allamahal s. allavaqt. allanarsa s. allanima. allanecha some (amount) or other, some number of. allanechuk some kind of, some type or other. allanevaqt s. allavaqt. allanima something or other. alla-palla rather late, quite late at night; in the middle of the night. allapayt s. allavaqt. allaqachon for some time. ~lari ages ago, very long ago. ~dan beri for quite some time. allaqachongi adj. of allaqachon; (s.t.) of some time ago. allaqaerga/da/dan somewhere or other.allaqanaqa coll.s. allaqanday. allaqancha some (amount) or other. allaqanday some kind of other; somehow or other. allaqandoq s. allaqanday. allaqayga/da/dan s. allaqaer. allaqayoqda/dan/qa s. allaqaerga/da/dan. allaqaysi whichever, one or the other. ~ yerda somewhere or other. ~ kuni one day or another. allavaqt quite late at night, in the middle of the night. allegorik (Russian) allegorical. allegoriya (Russian) allegory. allo (Russian) Hello? allof arch. (Arabic) merchant in flour or grain. alloma lit.: (Arabic) extremely learned person. almanax (Russian) collection of contemporary literary works. almashinmoq v.i. pass. of almash-; to change, to turn into; to become lost. almashish v.n. of almash-; trade, trading, swapping. almashlamoq v.t. to trade or exchange; to renew. ~ ekish crop rotation. almashmoq v.t. to trade, exchange, or swap; to be swapped for one another, to change; to be jumbled or mixed up, to get lost. [almashin-, almsshtir-, almashtiril-] almashtirmoq v.t. caus. of almash-; to trade or swap; to change. almisoq (Arabic) ~dan beri since time immemorial, since ancient times. ~dan qolgan ancient; older than the hills. almisoqi (Arabic) ancient, antique; old and beat, hackneyed (saying).almoyi-aljoyi coll.ugly, unseemly. alo (Arabic) lofty, superior. a'lo (Arabic) superb, excellent, high in quality. ~ deb bil-/~ ko'r- to like better, to prefer. a'lochi straight-A student; exemplary (worker, etc.). aloE bot.: (Russian) aloe. alohal (Arabic) in the end, finally; barely. alohida (Arabic) separate; special, distinct, unique. alohida-alohida (each one) separate. ~ ko'zdan kechir- to look at each one separately. alomat (Arabic) sign, symbol, indication; fantastic, great; wonder.alomatchoy bot.burdock. aloqa (Arabic) connection; relationship, tie; relation, bearing; communication. ~ ofitseri communications officer. ~ yo'llari lines of communication. ~ vositalari means of communication. aloqachi (telephone) operator; communications officer. aloqador (Persian) related, connected; pertinent, relevant. aloqadrihol (Arabic) as much as is within one's means. aloqali s. aloqador. the faithful (the caliph).amiri bot.a kind of melon; a kind of grape. aloqasiz unrelated, unconnected. aloq-chaloq ~ tushlar disconnected, frightening dreams. aloy s. aloE. alp hero, champion. alpang-talpang tottering from side to side. alpinist (Russian) mountain climber. alpinizm (Russian) mountaineering, mountain climbing. alpi-salpi s. alang-talpang. alpon-talpon s. alpang-talpang.alpoz coll.state, condition, situation; manner, way. alqandoz coll.: (Arabic) quirky person; jokester, clown. alqissa obs. (Arabic) and so (the story goes)...alqor zool.mountain goat. alt (Russian) alto; viola. altchi viola player. alternativ (Russian) alternative. alternativa (Russian) alternative. alvido (Arabic) farewell! alvir-shalvir ragtag, dingy, unkempt. alvon (Arabic) types, varieties; scarlet, crimson, bright red; red calico. qizil ~ a type of red material. yuz ~ many types, hundreds of kinds or colors; in all different ways. ~-~ all kinds, all colors. alyor (Persian) toast (spoken or sung); song sung by or to a dancing boy (bachcha). alyorchi one who makes or is good at making toasts. alyuminiy (Russian) aluminium. amaki (Persian) (paternal) uncle; form of address for older men; term referring to ay male younger than o.s. bu ish ~ngiz emas This matter/job is no joke. amakivachcha (Persian) cousin (child of paternal uncle). amal (Arabic) action, practical work, practice; station, position; means; (math.) operation. ~ ol- to sprout. ~ qilto follow or carry out (procedure); to have an effect; to put under a spell. ~dan qol- to be out of force. ~da in force, in effect, in practice. to'rt ~ the four arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). ~ga min- to acquire a position. ~dan tush- to lose one's position. ~ga osh- to be put in force. ~dan foydalan- to use one's position. amaldor (Persian) official, functionary. amaldorlik abstr. of amaldor. amalgama (Russian) silvering (of a mirror). amaliy (Arabic) practical; real, concrete, effective; applied; factual. ~ fanlar applied sciences. amaliya obs. (Arabic) s. amaliyot. amaliyot arch. (Arabic) daily practice, work, action; operation.amaliyotchi neg.overly practical, disdainful of theory. amaliyotchilik overemphasis on a practical approach. amaliyotparast (Persian) one overly devoted to practice (as opposed to theory); overly pragmatic. amaliyotparastlik overemphasis on practical work; narrowly pragmatic attitude. amallab in one way or another, by hook or by crook. amallamoq v.t. to find a means or way (to do s.t.), to come up with in some way or another. [amallan-, amallat-] amalparast (Persian) careerist. amalparastlik careerism. amal-taqal ~ qilib in one way or another, by whatever means possible. Amazonka (Russian) Amazon. ambrazura (Russian) embrasure. ambulatoriya (Russian) out-patient unit (of a hospital). amerikalik American. amfibiya (Russian) amphibian, amphibious. amfiteatr (Russian) amphitheater. amin 1: (Arabic) sure, positive; secure, safe. men bunga ~man I?sure about this. har qanday tasoduflardan ~ bo'lto be safe from any kind of accident.\n\n2 hist.: (Arabic) a district or village administrative official in the Khanate of Bukhara; administrator of a bazaar; elected village council member in the Ferghana Valley (in Tsarist times). aminlik certainty, certitude; security. amir (Arabic) emir, prince; commander, leader. ~i lashkar commander of the army. ~-ul-mo''minin/-ul-muslimin leader of amirkon (Russian) patent leather; American cotton. amirlik abstr. of amir; emirate. amlok (Arabic) estate, land, property; a taxed unit of land in the Bukhara Khanate. amlokdor (Persian) estate-owner, landholder; collector of tax from an amlok; head of a tumon in the Khanate of Bukhara. amlokdorxona office of an amlokdor. amma (Arabic) (paternal) aunt. ammavachcha (Persian) cousin (child of one?paternal aunt). ammiak (Russian) ammonia. ~li selitra ammonium nitrate. ammo (Arabic) but, though, however. ammoniy (Russian) ammonium. amnistiya (Russian) amnesty (s. ~ qilto grant amnesty to. amniyat arch. (Arabic) safety, security. a'mol obs. (Arabic) activity, activities, work. amoma arch. salla). (Arabic) turban (s. amoral (Russian) amoral. amorf (Russian) amorphous. ~ tillar amorphous languages?? amortizator (Russian) shock absorber. amortizatsiya (Russian) amortization; shock absorption. amper (Russian) ampere. ampermetr (Russian) amp meter. amper-soat ampere-hour. amplituda (Russian) amplitude. ampula (Russian) ampoule. amputatsiya (Russian) amputation. amr (Arabic) order, command; will, behest; (obs.) matter, affair. ~ ber-/~(i) mahol extremely difficult matter. ~(i) ma'ruf injunction to do right. yuz ~i shirin It's awkward to say it to s.o.'s face. amr-farmon (Persian) orders, commands. amrifarmo sovereign; power-loving. amvol obs. (Arabic) property, belongings, wealth. awhile. ~dan beri for quite some time now. amyoba (Russian) amoeba. ana over there, yonder; See?, There you go! ~ u that one (there); that (mentioned before). ~ shu that very; that (mentioned before). anabioz (Russian) anabiosis. analitik (Russian) analytic(al). analiz (Russian) analysis. analizator (Russian) analyzer. analogik (Russian) analagous. analogiya (Russian) analogy. ana-mana this and that, nothing in particular, idle gossip. ~ deb yur- to make all kinds of excuses. an'ana (Arabic) tradition. ananas bot.: (Russian) pineapple; a type of melon. an'anaviy (Arabic) traditional. anarxist (Russian) anarchist. anarxistik (Russian) anarchical. anarxistlik abstr. of anarxist; anarchy. anarxiya (Russian) anarchy. anarxiyachi s. anarxist. anarxizm (Russian) anarchism. anarxo-sindikalist (Russian): anarcho-syndicalist. anarxo-sindikalizm (Russian): anarcho-syndicalism. anatom (Russian) anatomist. anatomik (Russian) anatomic(al). anatomiya (Russian) anatomy. anavi that there; that (mentioned before). ~ kuni the other day. anbar 1: (Arabic) ambergris.\n\n2: cloth covering a funeral bier. anbarafshon (Persian) fragrant, wafting the scent of ambergris. anbiyo (Arabic) prophets. ancha quite a lot; quite some time; rather, quite, much. ~gacha for quite anchaki s. anchayin.anchar bot.upas-tree (s. zaqqum). ancha-muncha quite a lot, quite many. anchayin trifling, of no importance; so-so, mediocre; superficial, for show only.anchiki coll.s. anchayin, anchaki. andak (Persian) a short while; a little, a bit; small, tiny, trifling. andalib zool.: obs. (Arabic) nightingale (s. bulbul). andarmon (Persian) busy, occupied. ~ bo'l- to be engrossed in; to be attached to.andaryagiga coll.for the whole thing, for the whole kit and caboodle. andaryak (Persian) s. andaryagiga. andava (Persian) plasterer's trowel. andavalamoq v.i. to smooth over (plaster) with a trowel; to smooth over, to cover up. [andavalan-, andavalash-] andaza (Persian) measure, proportion; pattern, pattern (for sewing, etc.). ~si kelishgan well-tailored; well-proportioned. ~ ol/~si yo'q out of proportion. andazali proportioned, balanced; having a pattern; well-made, well-built; well-ordered, well planned-out. andazasiz made without a pattern; badly made; incomparable, unequalled, unlimited.andi arch.newcomer, latecomer; common, lowly.andin arch.= undan. andisha (Persian) prudence, care, circumspection, foresight, tact, thought; shame, self-respect. ~ qil- to think over; to pay respect to; to be bashful. ~ga bor-/~si yo'q odam shameless person. andishali prudent; respectful, tactful; conscientious. andishalilik prudence, sense; sensitivity, courtesy. andishasiz reckless, heedless; disrespectful, shameless. andishasizlik recklessness, heedlessness; shamelessness, brazenness. andom (Persian) figure, build; body.andoq obs.s. shunday. andoza s. andaza. anduh obs. (Persian) grief, pain, torment. anemometr (Russian) anemometer. aneroid (Russian) aneroid.ang'irt zool.red duck, ruddy shelduck. angar (Russian) hangar. angidrid (Russian) anhydride. angillamoq v.i. to yelp. angina (Russian) tonsillitis. angishvona (Persian) thimble. ang'iz field which has been harvested; stubble.ang-ang ono.yelping noise. ~ qil- to yelp. anglamoq v.t. to comprehend, to grasp, to understand; to realize the importance of. [anglan-, anglat-, anglatil-, anglash-, anglashil-] anglashilarli understandable, comprehensible. anglashilmas inexplicable, unaccountable, incomprehensible. anglashilmaslik ~ darajada (to the point of being) incomprehensible. anglashilmoq v.i. to be understood, to have its meaning dawn on s.o. anglashilmovchilik misunderstanding. anglatmoq v.t. caus. of angla-; to tell, to mean. angor Angora. angraymoq v.i. to stare vacantly; to be dumbfounded. angrov vacant, vapid. anhor (Arabic) large canal. anilin (Russian) aniline. animals ~ kurray! (for sheep). ~ kuch-kuch! (for dogs).ba 2 long /a/ ono.baa (noise made by sheep). aniq clear, sure, exact, definite; well-known, certain. ~ fanlar hard sciences. o'tgan zamon ~ fe'li definite past tense verb (i.e., men ~ bilaman I know for sure. aniqlamoq v.t. to ascertain, to determine, to verify; to decide on, to establish. [aniqlan-]aniqlanmish gram. aniqlashmoq coop. of aniqla-; to become clear. [aniqlashtir-, aniqlashtiril-] aniqlik clarity; certainness, definiteness.aniqlovchi gram.attribute. aniqsizlik indefiniteness, vagueness.anjabor bot.geranium. aniq-taniq very clear. anjir bot.: (Persian) fig. ~ shaftoli a type of peach which looks like a fig. ~ qilib yubor- (coll.) to smash to a pulp. anjirzor (Persian) fig orchard. anjom (Persian) household utensils; equipment, supplies. anjuman (Persian) meeting, forum, assembly; society, company; periodic meeting (between members of a profession). anker (Russian) crutch (in a watch); anchor (in architecture). anketa (Russian) questionnaire. anneksiya (Russian) annexation. annotatsiya (Russian) annotation. anod (Russian) anode. anomal (Russian) s. anormal. anomaliya (Russian) anomaly. anonim (Russian) anonymous. anonimka (Russian) anonymous letter. anons (Russian) announcement, notice. anor bot.: (Persian) pomegranate. anorganik (Russian) inorganic. anormal (Russian) abnormal. anorzor (Persian) grove or orchard of pomegranates.anov-manov coll.~ deb saying this and that; making all kinds of excuses, carrying on. ~ qilib/o'tkazib one way or another, by one means or another.anov coll.s. anavi, ana u. anoyi gullible, naive. anqaymoq v.i. to stare vacantly or dumbly; to stare and do nothing. [anqayish-, anqaytir-] anqimoq v.i. to waft, to spread, to be fragrant (of a smell). [anqit-] anqitmoq v.t. caus. of anqi-; to waft (a fragrance), to smell fragrant. anqo (Arabic) a fabulous bird living in the ~ning urug'i/~ga shafe rare as hen's teeth. anqov out of it, spaced out, scatter-brained; naive, dull. anqovlik abstr. of ~ qil- to do s.t. scatter-brained or naive. o'zini ~likka sol- to feign naivety or dim-wittedness. anqovsiramoq v.i. to act out of it or simple-minded; to feign simple-mindedness or dull-wittedness. ansambl (Russian) harmony; ensemble. ansuriy (Persian) s. piyozi ansuriy. antagonist (Russian) antagonist. antagonistik (Russian) antagonistic. antagonizm (Russian) antagonism. antarktik (Russian) antarctic. antenna (Russian) antenna. antibiotik (Russian) antibiotic. antidemokratik (Russian): antidemocratic. antidialektik (Russian) undialectical. antifashist (Russian) anti-fascist. antifriktsiyon (Russian) antifrictional?? antiimperialistik (Russian): anti-imperialistic. antik (Russian) antique. antimarksistik (Russian) anti-Marxist. antimaterialistik (Russian) antimaterialist. antimexanizator coll. (Russian) anti-mechanization. antimilitarist (Russian) anti-militarist. antimilitaristik (Russian) anti-military. antimilitarizm (Russian) antimilitary stance or activity. antipartiyaviy anti-Party. antiqa arch. (Arabic) ancient; amazing, wonderful. antiqiy (Arabic) s. antiqa. antisanitar (Russian) unsanitary. antisanitariya (Russian) lack of sanitation. antisemit (Russian) anti-Semite. antisemitik (Russian) anti-Semitic. antisemitizm (Russian) anti-Semitism. antiseptik (Russian) antiseptic. antiseptika (Russian) antisepsis; antiseptics. antisovet (Russian) anti-Soviet. antiteza (Russian) antithesis. antitezis (Russian) antithesis. antitsiklon (Russian) anti-cyclone. antologiya (Russian) anthology. antonim (Russian) antonym. antonovka (Russian) a kind of apple. antrakt (Russian) invterval, intermission. antratsit (Russian) anthracite. antropolog (Russian) (biological) anthropologist. antropologik (Russian) adj. of antropologiya. antropologiya (Russian) (biological) anthropology. antropometrik (Russian) anthropometrical. antropometriya (Russian) anthropometry.anuv coll.s. anavi, ana u. anvar (Arabic) radiant. anvo(y) obs. (Arabic) type(s), kinds; all kinds or varieties. aorta (Russian) aorta. apatit (Russian) apatite. apellyatsiya (Russian) (court) appeal. apel'sin bot.: (Russian) orange. apil-tapil slapdash, hastily. apir-shipir slapdash, quickly. apogey (Russian) apogee. apolitik (Russian) apolitical. apolitizm (Russian) apoliticalness. apologist (Russian) apologist. apopleksiya (Russian) apoplexy. apoq-chapoq close, buddy-buddy. apoq-chapoqlashmoq v.i. to become buddy-buddy. aposterior (Russian) a posteriori. apostrof (Russian) apostrophe. appa-adil straight as an arrow. apparat (Russian) apparatus, instrument, organs. apparatchi operator; apparatchik. apparatura (Russian) equipment, gear. ponder, to rack one's brains. ~i yetdi to realize, to have s.t. dawn on one; to admit possible. ~ga to'g'ri keladigan reasonable; plausible. ~iga kel- to occur to, to think of. o'z ~ingdan qolma Do what you think is right. appendiks (Russian) appendix. appenditsit (Russian) appendicitis. applikatsiya (Russian) appliqu?ork. aprel (Russian) April. aprior (Russian) a priori. apriorlik apriority. aprobatsiya (Russian): approbation.apshu ono.a-choo! apshurmoq rare: v.i. to sneeze (s. aksir-). aptechka (Russian) first-aid kit. apteka (Russian) pharmacy, chemist. aptekachi pharmacist, chemist. aqalli (Arabic) barely, scarcely, (not) even. aqba obs. (Arabic) mountain path.aqcha dial.money. aqida lit.: (Arabic) dogma; article of faith, creed. ~ qil- to consider, to believe. aqidaparast (Persian) dogmatic; dogmatist. ~lik dogmatism. aqiq (Arabic) carnelian; agate; red, crimson. aqiqa arch. (Arabic) feast given in commemoration of a newborn baby. aqirmoq dial.: v.i. to roar, to bellow (of predatory animals).aqirin dial.slowly; quietly. aql (Arabic) mind, intelligence, smarts, common sense; advice. ~i raso/~ qisqa/~dan oz-/~ tishi wisdom tooth. ~ bovar qilmaydi unthinkable, unimaginable. ~ yetmaydi unimaginable; unbelievable; not capable of understanding, slow, dull. ~ga sig'maydi unimaginable. ~i shoshdi/~ini yo'qotdi to lose one?s head. ~ini ol- to distract, to take one?s mind away from everything else. ~ borida while (you've) still got your wits about (you). ~ing joyidami Have you lost your mind?, Is your head okay? ~ga muvofiq ravishda/~ga qarab in a rational, intelligent manner. ~ingga balli! Good thinking! ~ yugurtir- to aqlan (Arabic) mentally, intellectually. aql-bosh brains, smarts. aql-hush intelligence, smarts, sense. aqliy (Arabic) intellectual. aqllashmoq v.t. to discuss. aqlli smart, intelligent. aqlli-hushli smart, rational, discerning. aqllilik intelligence; smart thing or action. ~ qil- to do s.t. smart. aqlsiz stupid, brainless; silly. aqlsizlik stupidity; silly or stupid thing or act. aql-tushuncha intelligence, aptitude. aql-zehn (Arabic) intellect, intelligence. aqoid rare: (Arabic) (religious) tenets. Aqrab Scorpio. aqrabo obs. (Arabic) near and dear ones, relations. ar (Russian) are (unit of land measurement). arab Arab. arabcha Arabic (language). arabi (Persian) Arab, Arabian. (Arabic) nafratlan- to be disgusted by, to abhor, to detest. [nafratlantir-] (v.i. +dan)nafratli hateful, disgusting.\n\nnoto'g'ri incorrect, wrong. arabiy arch. (Arabic) Arab, Arabian; Arabic. arabizm (Russian) Arabism, borrowing from Arabic. arabshunos Arabist. arabshunoslik Arab studies. arafa (Arabic) the day before a holiday, esp. one of the great feast days; eve (of Ramazon hayiti or qurbon hayiti). arafagarchilik preparations for a holiday. aralash mixed, part..., part..., half..., half...; together, mixed together. ~ son mixed number. ~ o'rmon mixed forest. aralashib-quralashib getting all mixed or jumbled together. aralashiga altogether. aralashma mixture. aralashmaslik non-intervention, non-interference.arang lit.barely, hardly. aralashmoq v.i. to mix together, to be mixed up together; to get involved in, to involve o.s. in, to participate in, to interfere; to mingle or associate with. [aralashtir-, aralashtiril-] aralash-quralash all mixed up, all jumbled up. araq (Arabic) hard liquor, vodka. araqi (Persian) cornice. araqxo'r (Persian) drunkard; alcoholic. araqxo'rlik drunkenness; alcoholism. ar-ar 1: yapping noise. ~ qil- to yap at any and everything.\n\n2: (Arabic) ~ terak Lombardy poplar.Ar-riyod geo.Riyadh. arasot (Arabic) frightful desert in which the resurrected will assemble on the Day of Judgement; turmoil, chaos, commotion. ~ sol- to make a commotion. ~da qol- to be in a bind. arava (Arabic) wagon, cart. gumbur ~ brand-new wagon or cart. otash ~ (coll., arch.) train. shayton ~ bicycle. ~ni quruq olib qoch- o'z ~ngni o'zing tort Take care of yourself., Pull your own weight.aravak dial.nose ring (s. buloqi). aravakash (Persian) wagoner, carter, cart-driver; draught (horse). aravasoz (Persian) cartwright, wagon-maker. araxis (Russian) peanut (s. er yong'oq). arayish (Persian) leftover material on the inside of a seam of a garment that's being made. ~ini ol- to trim off excess material; to filch, to make off with. araz (Arabic) grudge, resentment, hostility. arazchi easily offended. arazlamoq v.t. to hold a grudge against, to be hostile towards. [arazlash-] arbitr (Russian) arbiter, arbitrator. arbitraj (Russian) arbitration. arbob (Arabic) prominent figure, notable; village or neighborhood leader in the Khanate of Bukhara. archazor place covered in juniper trees. archimoq v.t. to peel, to pare; to strip. [archil-, archit-, archish-] archmoq v.t. s. archi-.archa bot.juniper; spruce; Christmas tree. ~ bayrami New Year's holiday. arch.proprietor.of a brothel: pimp; madame. ardob (Persian) a kind of porridge; a kind of swill made from flour and fed to livestock. ardoqlamoq v.i. to take care of, to nurture; to guard carefully; to spoil, to coddle; to show respect towards. [ardoqlan-, ardoqlash-] ardoqli dear, cherished, precious. arergard (Russian) rearguard. arest (Russian) ~ sol- to sequestrate, to freeze s.o.'s assets. arfa (Russian) harp. arfachi harpist. arg'amchi thin rope, cord. arg'imchoq swing.arg'umoq zool.a Central Asian breed of race horse; steed. argo (Russian) slang. argon (Russian) argon. argotik (Russian) slang. argotizm (Russian) slang expression. argument (Russian) argument. arg'uvon bot.: (Persian) Judas-tree, redbud; crimson, purple. ari bee; wasp. tukli ~ bumblebee. qovoq ~ hornet. ~dek yopish- to cling to like flies. ~ uyasi/ini beehive; wasp nest. arichi beekeeper. arichilik beekeeping. arifmetik (Russian) arithmetical. arifmetika (Russian) arithmetic. arifmometr (Russian) calculating machine. arillamoq ono.: v.i. to squall, to bawl. arimoq v.i. to depart, to be gone. lablaringdan kulgi ~maydi A smile never leaves your lips. [arit-] ariq irrigation canal (of various sizes), ditch. ~ oqsoqol village official in charge of irrigation water distribution. ariqcha small ditch or canal. arish bot.: (Russian) rye. aristokrat (Russian) aristocrat. aristokratik (Russian) aristocratic. aristokratiya (Russian) aristocracy. aristokratizm (Russian) aristocratic behavior. ariston coll.: (Russian) prisoner. aritmoq v.t. caus. of yerning zaxini ~- to drain the soil.arixona coll.place swarming with bees or wasps; (man-made) beehive. ariya (Russian) aria. ariza (Arabic) formal petition or request. arizaboz (Persian) litigious, constantly writing requests or petitions. arizabozlik abstr. of arizaboz. arizachi petitioner; writer of petitions; one who submits petitions on behalf of a commoner. arizacho'p long wooden case used for depositing petitions in a royal court. arizanavis (Persian) professional petition-writer. arjumand obs. (Persian) dear, respected. ark 1 hist.: (Persian) citadel, citadel-palace.\n\n2 coll.: (Russian) s. arka. arka (Russian) arch. arki namakob: (Persian) extremely salty. arkon obs. (Arabic) high official, notable. ~i davlat high state official, great functionary. ~i harb supreme military commander. arktik (Russian) Arctic. arman(i) Armenian. armatura (Russian) fittings, armature. armaturabop suitable for use as armature. armaturachi fitter. armiya (Russian) army. armon (Persian) regret, unfulfilled wish. ~ qil-/~da qol- to feel pangs of regret, to lament. ko'ngil ~i heartfelt desire, wish. ~im yo'q I have no regrets. ~dan chiq- to fulfill a dream. armug'on lit. poet.: (Persian) present, gift.arna dial.canal leading directly off of a river. aro between, among; midst. aroba (Arabic) s. arava. arobakash (Arabic) s. aravakash.aroq coll.s. araq.arosat coll.s. arasot.arpa bot.barley. ~ngizni xom o'rdimmi? What harm have I done to you?arpabodiyon bot.anise. a'rof (Arabic) ~da qolgan left not knowing what to do; between the Devil and the deep blue sea. arpag'on bot. myrtle?? [mirtuk vostochniy; Eremopyrum] arpapoya barley field; stalk of barley. arqon rope. ~ sol- to block the arrival party of a new bride to the groom's house with a rope (to extort money from them). bo'yniga ~ solganday to force s.o. to do s.t. (as if putting a rope around his neck). ~ni uzun tashlab qo'y- to tolerate s.o.'s behavior for the time being, to let slide for now. ~nini ustiga tashlab yubor- to send off, to send packing. arqonlamoq v.t. to tie up with a rope, to tether. [arqonlan-, arqonlat-] arqoq woof, weft (? ular bir-birlari bilan ~-o'rish Close as two peas in a pod. arra (Persian) saw. ~ qil- to divide in two, to halve.arrachi coll.s. arrakash. arrakash (Persian) sawyer. arralamoq v.t. to saw. [arralan-, arralat-, arralash-] arrapo'sht (Persian) spinal column. arsenal (Russian) arsenal. arsh 1: (Arabic) the throne of God; the heavens; (arch.) ceiling. ~i a'loga ko'tar- to eulogize, to hold on high.arsh 2 coll.~ qil- to live the high life. ~ingni qil! Get moving! arshin (Russian) archine (app. 28 in./.71 m.).arslon zool.lion; lion-like, bold. arsloncha dim. of arslon. arslonquyruq an extinct animal?? [pustynnik serdechniy; Leonorus ]arslontoy zool.lion cub. artel (Russian) workmen's cooperative. ~ xo'jaligi collective farm?? [artel'noe xozyaystvo]. arterioskleroz (Russian) arteriosclerosis. arteriya (Russian) artery. artezian n.: (Russian) artesian. ~ qudughi artesian well. artikl (Russian) (gram.) article. artikul (Russian) article. artikulatsiya (Russian) articulation. artillerist (Russian) artilleryman. artilleriya (Russian) artillery. artilleriyachi artillery gunner. artist (Russian) performer; actor. artistka (Russian) fem. of artist. artmoq v.t. to wipe off; to peel, to pare. [artil-, artin-, artish-, arttir-] arts; theatre.: (Arabic) nafislash- to become refined; to become artistic. (v.i.)nafislik fineness; elegance. aruz (Arabic) classical Arabic-Persian prosody. arvoh (Arabic) spirit (esp. of dead ancestor); ghost. ~ oshi banquet given in honor of departed ancestors. ~ piri or ~i pir banquet given by a craftsman to masters of his trade upon his graduation from apprenticeship. ~ kapalak moth. ~ urdi to go awry, to be jinxed. arxaizm (Russian) archaism. arxar s. alqor. arxeolog (Russian) archeologist. arxeologik (Russian) archeological. ~ qazilmalar archeological digs. arxeologiya (Russian) archeology. arxiepiskop (Russian) archbishop. arxierey (Russian) high clergyman. arximandrit (Russian) archimandrite. arxipelag (Russian) archipelago. arxitektor (Russian) architect (s. me'mor). arxitektorlik abstr. of arxitektor. ~ka o'qi- to study to be an architect. arxitektura (Russian) architecture. arxiv (Russian) archive. arxivarius (Russian) keeper of archives. arxivchi s. arxivarius. arxivshunos archivist. arz 1: (Arabic) petition, request, supplication. ~i hol/~ qil- to state, to proclaim, to put forth; to protest, to voice a complaint. ~ so'ra- (arch.) to hear supplications or complaints.\n\n2: obs. (Arabic) the Earth; region of the Earth. qurrai ~ the globe. ~u samo Heaven and Earth. ~i rum the Roman Empire. arzanda (Persian) beloved one and only child; precious loved one. arzandai-karomanda (Persian) extremely cherished loved one. arz-dod (Persian) petitions and supplications, requests and entreaties. arzgo'y arch. (Persian) petitioner, supplicant. arz-hol s. arzi hol.arza coll.s. ariza.arzachi coll.professional writer of petitions; petitioner. arzimoq v.i. to merit, to be worth (s.t.); to deserve. uni mukofotlasa ~ydi He deserves to be given an award. ~maydi not worth the effort expended. ~maydi not worth a darn thing. ~magan worthless, piddling. ~magan narsaga for nothing, for naught. ~ydigan/~gudek/~gulik/~gunday/~rli worthwhile, deserving. ~mas worthless, piddling, trifling. [arzit-] arzitmoq v.t. caus. of arzi-; to value, to appreciate. arznoma (Persian) petition, request, application.arzon-garov coll.for nothing, for a song. arzon (Persian) cheap, inexpensive. ~ga ket- to be sold cheaply. ~ga ol- to get cheaply. ~ga tush- to become cheap(er). ~ning sho'rvasi tatimas cheap and nasty. arzonchilik (time or place of) low prices.arzonla- coll.s. arzonlash-. arzonlashmoq v.i. to go down in price, to become inexpensive; to become less expensive, to be cheaper. arzonlik inexpensiveness, cheapness.arzonqo'l coll.cheap (labor), working for little pay. arzonsinmoq v.i. to consider the buyer's asking price to be too low. asab (Arabic) nerve; nervousness. ~ga teg- or ~ni buz-/qo'zg'at- to get on s.o.'s nerves, to irritate, to upset. asabiy (Arabic) nervous, irritable; neurological. ~ holat nervous condition. asabiyat (Arabic) nerve(s); irritability, nervousness. ~ga teg- s. asabga teg-. asabiylanmoq v.i. to become irritated, to lose one's nerve. [asabiylantir-] asabiylashmoq v.i. to become more and more nervous or irritated. [asabiylashtir-] asabiylik nervousness. asad (Arabic) Leo. asal (Arabic) honey; sweet as honey. asalari honeybee. asalarichi beekeeper. asalarichilik beekeeping. asar (Arabic) sign, trace; work of art; written work. ~ qil- to affect. ~(i) ur- to influence. ~i qolmadi There is no trace left. ~ qoldir- to leave a mark. asarlanmoq v.i. to be impressed or influenced. asarsiz w/o (leaving) a trace. as'asa-dabdaba (Arabic) great pomp and circumstance, splendor. asbest (Russian) asbestos. asbob (Arabic) tool, instrument; utensil, dish; (vulgar) penis. asbob-anjom (Arabic) tools and utensils, equipment. asbobsozlik tool-making. asbob-uskuna (Arabic) instruments and devices, tools and utensils. asfalasofilin (Arabic) the depths of Hell. ~ bo'l-/~ga ket- to fall into a deep abyss; to go to Hell. asfalt (Russian) asphalt. ~ qil- to pave with asphalt. asfaltchi asphalt worker. asfaltlamoq v.t. to pave with asphalt. ashaddi(y) (Arabic) extreme, severe, terrible. ashir coll.: (Arabic) ~ oyi the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar (s. muharram). ashk poet. (Persian) tear(s).ashqol-dashqol coll.utensils, equipment, stuff, things. ash'or obs. (Arabic) poetry. ashsha children's speech: pilau, hot food. ashtak-pashtak dried apricot with the pit removed and replaced with nut meat.ashtak dial.s. ashtak-pashtak. ashula song. Eski ~ the same old song. ashulachi singer. ashulachilik singing; singing profession. ~ talanti singing talent. ashyo (Arabic) things, stuff, articles, items. ~i dalil hard, material evidence. ashyoviy (Persian) ~ dadil material evidence. asil (Arabic) genuine, original, high-quality; precious, valuable; dear. asillik high quality; genuineness. asilzoda (Persian) blueblood, aristocrat. asilzot (Persian) purebred, pedigreed. asimmetrik (Russian) asymmetrical. asir (Arabic) captive, prisoner. ~ bo'l-/~ qil-/et- to take prisoner; to captivate. asira (Arabic) fem. of asir; (female) slave. askar (Arabic) soldier; army, troops. askarboshi leader of troops, commander. askarcha like a soldier, military. askariy (Arabic) military. askarlik abstr. of ~da in military service. asket (Russian) ascetic. asketik (Russian) ascetic. asketizm (Russian) asceticism. askiya (Arabic) a game in which two contestants try to outdo each other in making witty, often ribald responses full of suggestive puns. ~ aytish- to exchange witty remarks as in ~ qil- to exchange witty remarks; to ridicule using puns. askiyaboz one gifted at making witty rejoinders. askiyabozlik abstr. of askiyaboz; badinage of witty rejoinders. askiyachi s. askiyaboz. asl (Arabic) root, basis, origin, essence; original state; original (document); essential, real, true. ~i actually. ~iga qayt- to return to its original form. ~ini olganda/~iga to'g'ri certified original copy. ~iday/~icha as in the original; as originally. uning ~i grek He is of Greek origin. cholning ~i namanganlik the old man is originally from Namangan. ~ ma'no true meaning. aslaha (Arabic) arms, weapons. aslaha-anjom (Arabic) arms; equipment. aslahalamoq v.i. to arm. aslahaxona arch. (Persian) arsenal, weapons storehouse. aslan (Arabic) actually, originally. asli actually, really; originally. aslida in reality, actually. asliy (Arabic) ~ sifat qualitative adjective?? [kachestvennoe prilagatel'noe] aslo (Arabic) not at all; never, no way. asno lit.: (Arabic) time, course; interval. ish ~sida during work time. shu ~da at this (same) time. bahs ~sida during the course of conversation. aso arch. (Arabic) walking stick (s. hassa). asorat 1: (Arabic) captivity; slavery. ~ga sol- to enslave; to captivate. ~ga tush- to be taken prisoner; to be captivated or entrapped.\n\n2: (Arabic) effect; sign, mark, symptom; complication, aftereffect. asos (Arabic) base; basis, foundation; basics. ~ qilib ol-/~ga ol- to base on, to use as a basis for. ~ sol-/~ga ol-/~qilib ol- to base o.s. on. asosan (Arabic) basically. shunga ~ based on this. qonunga ~ according to law. asoschi founder. asosida on the basis of, based on. asosiy (Arabic) basic, fundamental. ~ kutubxona main library. ~ tuzlar basic salts. asoslamoq v.t. to prove, to substantiate; to lay a foundation. [asoslan-, asoslantir-] asoslanmoq v.i. pass. of asosla-; to rely on. [asoslantir-] asosli well-founded, substantiated. asossiz unsubstantiated, groundless. asov wild, untamed. asovlashmoq v.i. to become unruly or wild. asp dial.: (Persian) horse (s. ot); knight (in chess).aspalasofin coll.s. asfalasofilin. aspdor hist.: (Persian) groom; orderly. aspekt (Russian) aspect, perspective. aspijallob arch. (Persian) horse trader. aspijalloblik horse trading. ~ qil- to be engaged in horse trading. aspirant (Russian) post-graduate (doctoral) student. aspirantka (Russian) fem. of aspirant. aspirantura (Russian) post-graduate study. aspirin (Russian) aspirin. asqatmoq v.i. to be of use or benefit, to be worth s.t. asr 1: (Arabic) century; age. tosh ~ the Stone Age.\n\n2: (Arabic) late afternoon prayer; the time of day this prayer is performed. asramoq v.t. to protect, to keep safe; to take care of; to set aside for. buni senga ~b qo'ygan edim I'd set this aside for you. [asral-, astrat-, asrash-] asrandi adopted, foster child. asrchilik o'rta ~ the Middle Ages. asrdosh (Persian) contemporary. asriy lit.: (Arabic) centuries-long or -old. asror obs. (Arabic) secret(s). assalom (Arabic) Salaam!, Peace!, Greetings! ~u alaykum Peace be upon you! assambleya (Russian) assembly. assimilyatsiya (Russian) assimilation. assistent (Russian) assistant; junior member of teaching or research staff. assistentlik assistantship. ~ qil- to work as an assistant or junior member of teaching or research staff. assortiment (Russian) assortment. assotsiatsiya (Russian) association. asta slowly, quietly; carefully. asta-asta (very) slowly or quietly. astag'firullo(h) (Arabic) God forbid. astalik slowness; quietness. ~ bilan slowly; quietly, carefully. astar (Persian) inner lining material. astar-avra (Persian) inner and outer material. astarlik material suitable for use as an inner lining. astar-paxta ~sini chiqar- to shred to bits, to beat the stuffing out of; to chew out; to hang out s.o.'s dirty linen. asta-sekin slowly, quietly, carefully; one by one. asti coll.: (Arabic) s. aslo. astma (Russian) asthma. astoydil (Persian) intently, earnestly, enthusiastically; genuine, heartfelt; conscientiously. astoydillik intentness, earnestness; enthusiasm, intensity. astrobotanika (Russian) astrobotany. astrofizika (Russian) astrophysics. astrolog (Russian) astrologist. astrologiya (Russian) astrology. astrolyabiya (Russian) astrolabe. astronavt (Russian) (Western) astronaut. astronavtika (Russian) astronautics. astronom (Russian) astronomer. astronomik (Russian) astronomical. astronomiya (Russian) astronomy. asymmetriya (Russian) asymmetry. ataka (Russian) attack. ~ qil- to attack. atak-chechak ~ qil- to take one's first steps; to slowly but surely make progress. atala a porridge-like food made from flour and grease; anything with a porridge- or gravy-like consistency. atalamoq v.t. to stir up, to make smooth by stirring. atalasimon porridge-like in consistency, glutinous, viscous. atala-umoch general name for porridge-like foods made from flour. atama term (s. termin). ataman (Russian) ataman (Cossack chief). atamoq v.t. to name, to call a name; to devote, to dedicate, to set aside. [atal-, atan-, atash-] atan a pole or rope used for hanging grapes for storage during the winter. atanmoq v.i. reflexive of ata-; to make a name for o.s. atavistik (Russian) atavistic. atavizm (Russian) atavism.atay coll.s. ataylab. ataydan s. ataylab. atayin (Arabic) s. ataylab. atayka (Russian) s. ang'irt. ataylab on purpose, knowingly. ateistik (Russian) atheistic. ateizm (Russian) atheism. atele (Russian) studio; repair shop. ateroskleroz (Russian) atherosclerosis. atigi barely, only, no more than; (coll.) on purpose.atigidan coll.on purpose. atiqa s. osori atiqa. atir (Arabic) perfume. atirgul (Arabic) rose. atirsovun scented soap. atir-upa powders and perfumes, cosmetics & toiletries. atlas 1: (Russian) atlas.\n\n2: (Arabic) brightly-colored satin material, used esp. in making traditional women's dresses. atlasfurush (Persian) seller of atlas material. atlet (Russian) athlete. atletik (Russian) athletic. atletika (Russian) athletics. atletikachi s. atlet. atmosfera (Russian) atmosphere. atmosferaviy atmospheric. ato (Arabic) ~ qil-/ayla- to accord, to bequeath. atom (Russian) atom. ~ni parchalash splitting of the atom. ~ og'irligi atomic weight. ~ nazariyasi atomic theory. atomboz supporter of nuclear weapons. atomchi atomic scientist; supporter of nuclear weapons. atomistik (Russian) atomistic. atomistika (Russian) atomism. atoqli renowned. ~ ot proper noun. Atorud arch. (Arabic) Mercury (s. Merkuriy). atov ~ gap (opp. of referent). ?? [nazyvnoe predlozhenie] atribut (Russian) attribute. atrof (Arabic) surroundings, area around s.t.; all sides, all around; outer edge, sides; milieu. ~ga/da around, about. atrofiya (Russian) atrophy. atrof-javonib environs, vicinity. atroflab surrounding, forming a circle around. atrofli ~ ravishda s. atroflicha. atrof-yon s. atrof. atrolicha thorough(ly), deep(ly). atsetilen (Russian) acetylene. atseton (Russian) acetone. attang(a) Darn it!, Dang!, Drat! attashe (Russian) attach attestat (Russian) testimonial; certificate. attestatsion (Russian) adj. of ~ kommissiya examination board. attestatsiya (Russian) attestation, testimonial. ~ ber-/qil- to attest. attor (Arabic) perfumer. attorlik abstr. of attor; perfume shop(s). attraktsion (Russian) attraction. audotoriya (Russian) auditorium; audience. auktsion (Russian) auction (s. kimoshdi savdosi). avag'a great-great-grandchild (s. ~mning ~si, umurtqamning sho'rvasi very distant relative. avangard (Russian) advance guard, vanguard. avangardlik abstr. of avangard. ~ roli vanguard role. avanpost (Russian) outpost, forward position. avans (Russian) advance (s. bo'nak). avantyura (Russian) risk, venture. avantyurachi s. avantyurist. avantyurist (Russian) venturesome person, risk-taker. avantyuristik (Russian) venturesome, involving risk. avantyuristlik abstr. of avantyurist; s. avantyurizm. avantyurizm (Russian) daring, disposition to take risks. avar Avar. avaricious. (Persian) nokasta s. nokas. avariya (Russian) wreck, crash, accident. ~ brigadasi accident team. ~ bo'l-/-ga uchra- to have an accident. avaxta coll.: arch. (Russian) prison, stockade. ~ qil- to put in prison. avaylab taking great care, carefully. avaylamoq v.t. to take great care of, to safeguard; to pamper. [avaylash-] avbosh arch. (Persian) recluse, ruffian, crook. avgust (Russian) August. aviabaza (Russian) (= avia bazasi) airbase. aviakonstruktor (Russian) aircraft designer. avialiniya (Russian) (= aviatsiya liniyasi) airline. aviamodel (Russian) model airplane. aviamodelchi model airplane enthusiast. aviamodelchilik s. aviamodelizm. aviamodelizm (Russian) model airplane making. aviamotor (Russian) aircraft motor. avianos (Russian) aircraft carrier. aviapochta (Russian) airmail. aviarazvedka (Russian) (= aviatsiya razvedkasi) air reconnaissance. aviator (Russian) aviator. aviatransport (Russian) (= aviatsiya transporti) air transport. aviatsion (Russian) adj. of aviatsiya. aviatsiya (Russian) aviation; aircraft. aviazavod (Russian) (= avia zavodi) aircraft factory. avitaminoz (Russian) avitaminosis. avj (Arabic) peak, climax, crescendo. ~ ol-/~iga chiq-/~i just, exactly, right. ~i yig'im-terim payti just at the peak of harvest season. ~ida at its peak, going full blast. avjlanmoq v.i. to increase; to reach a peak. [avjlantir-] avliyo (Arabic) saint, miracle-worker; detached, ascetic. avliyonamo (Persian) dervish or saint-like. avlo lit.: (Arabic) better than, superior to. avlod (Arabic) offspring, descendent(s); generation; relatives. ~dan ~ga from generation to generation. avlod-ajdod (Arabic) forefathers and descendents; relatives, kith and kin. avom (Arabic) common folk, commoners. avra (Persian) outer material (as opposed to inner lining); pillow cover. ~ to'n coat w/o an inner lining. avra-astar (Persian) outer and inner fabric (of garment or quilt). ~ chopon unpadded coat. ~ini ag'dar-/qoq-/so'kto interrogate, to give a good going over; to rebuke harshly, to chew out good and well; to bring out s.o.'s dirty linen. avrag'ich s. avroqchi. avral (Russian) ~ ishlar work involving all hands. avramoq v.t. to lead astray, to dupe into s.t.; to hypnotize. [avrash-] avrash v.n. of ~-aldawlar fraud and deception, trickery. avrat (Arabic) parts of the body which must be covered in Islam; woman. ~ yaproq fig leaf. avratpo'sh (Persian) breechcloth. avroqchi hypnotizer; healer who heals bites and stings by hypnosis; trickster. avsat obs. (Arabic) middle, medium; moderate. avto (Russian) auto. avtobaza (Russian) motor transport depot. avtobigrafik (Russian) autobiographical. avtobiografiya (Russian) autobiography. avtoblokirovka (Russian) automatic brake system (on railway). avtobus (Russian) bus. avtochana snowmobile. avtogen (Russian) autogenous. avtograf (Russian) autograph. avtografik (Russian) autographic(al). avtokachka (Russian) wagon having wheels with rubber treads. avtokamera (Russian) automobile inner tube?? avtoklav (Russian) autoclave. avtokolonna (Russian) convoy; motor pool. avtol (Russian) motor oil. avtomashina (Russian) automobile. avtomat (Russian) automated machine; machine gun. avtomatchi automatic (machine); machine-gunner. avtomaticheskiy coll. (Russian) automatically. avtomatik (Russian) automatic; involuntary. avtomatika (Russian) automation. avtomatizm (Russian) automatism. avtomatlashmoq v.i. to become automated. [avtomatlashtir-, avtomatlashtiril-] avtomatlashtirish v.n. of avtomatlashtir-; automation. avtomobil (Russian) automobile. avtomobilsozlik car manufacturing. avtomomiyali s. avtonom. avtonom (Russian) autonomous. avtonomist (Russian) autonomist. avtonomiya (Russian) autonomy. avtonomiyachi s. avtonomist. avtonomlik autonomy. avtopark (Russian) motor pool. avtopilot (Russian) autopilot. avtoportret (Russian) self-portrait. avtopoyga car race. avtor (Russian) author. avtoreferat (Russian) abstract (of thesis). avtoremont (Russian) car repair. avtorlik abstr. of avtor; authorship. avtoruchka (Russian) fountain pen. avtostop (Russian) automatic breaking mechanism (railway); hitch-hiking. avtostrada (Russian) highway. avtosug'org'ich milking machine. avtotransport (Russian) motor transport. avtoxo'jalik car manufacturing?? [avtokhozyaystvo] avtozavod (Russian) (=avtomobil" zavodi) automobile factory. avval (Arabic) beginning; before, formerly; (at) first. +dan ~ before. bundan to'rt yil ~ four years ago. ~i(ga) at first, initially. ~i shuki first of all... avvalambor (Persian) first of all... avvalan (Arabic) s. avvalo. avvalgi former, previous, before. avvalgicha s. avvalgiday. avvalgiday/dek as before. avvalo (Arabic) first of all. avzo (Arabic) countenance, appearance; mood. ~i buzuq/havoning ~i buzuq the weather looks foul. ~ini ol- to feel out, to guess the mood of. ax Ha! axbor (Arabic) news, information. ~ingiz uchun for your information... axborot (Arabic) news; information; communique axir (Arabic) after all; at last, finally, in the end. ~ bo'lmadi In the end, it didn't work out. axiri s. axi(y)ri. axi(y)ri coll.: (Arabic) finally, in the end. axlat (Arabic) waste, garbage; feces (s. najasot). axlatxona (Persian) dump, garbage heap. axloq (Arabic) morals, ethics, conscience; behavior, manners. axloqbuzar perverting, corrupting. axloqiy (Arabic) ethical, moral. axloqli well-mannered, decent; moral, conscientious. axloqsiz ill-mannered, indecent; immoral. axloqsizlik immorality, indecency, dissoluteness. axta (Mong.): castrated; gelding. ~ qilto castrate. axtachi castrator. axtalamoq dial.: v.t. to castrate. axtarmoq v.t. to search for. axtaxona rare: stable. ay Hey! Oh! ayacha dim. of aya; form of address to a young mother. ayajon endearing form of aya.ayamajuz coll.s. ayyom(i) ajuz. ayamoq v.t. to take pity on; to spare, to grudge; to take care of. ~may not to spare, to hold nothing back. kuch-quvvatini ~may ishla- to work with all one's strength, to put everything into one's work. ~masdan unsparingly; unmercilessly. jonini ~masdan vatanni himoya qil- to fight for the fatherland without concern for one's own life. [ayal-]aya dial.mother, mommy; nanny; term of address to older women. ayamsizdan ruthlessly. ayanch pitiful, pathetic. ayanchi careful protection of possessions; household item. ayanchli piteous, pathetic, heart-rending. ayb (Arabic) sin, wrongdoing; shameful act; fault. ~ qil-/~ga buyur-/~ ish shameful act. ~ bo'lmasmikan? Wouldn't that be a bad/shameful thing to do? sizga ~! Shame on you! aybaki (Persian) a low-quality type of cow leather. aybdor (Persian) guilty, at fault; physically impaired or defective, injured, deformed. ~lar kursisi the dock. aybdorlik abstr. of aybdor; guilt; imperfection, deformity. ayblamoq v.t. to blame, to accuse. [ayblash-] ayblanuvchi defendant. ayblash v.n. of ~ akti indictment. aybli s. aybdor. ayblov v.n. of aybla-; accusation. ~ fikri indictment. ayblovchi prosecutor. aybnoma indictment; testament. aybona (Persian) damages, compensation. aybsitmoq v.i. to find fault with, to criticize. aybsiz blameless, innocent; faultless. aybsizlik blamelessness, innocence; flawlessness, faultlessness.ayg'ir zool.stallion.ayg'irqiyoq bot.mammoth wild rye.ayg'iz bot.a type of willow. ayg'oq spy; aware, alert. ayg'oqchi spy, secret agent. ayg'oqchilik abstr. of ~ qil- to spy. ayg'oqlamoq v.t. to examine surreptitiously, to spy on. ayhay He-ey!, Yoo-hoo! ayhaylamoq v.i. to yell out "yoo-hoo!"; to yell; to make noise. ayil saddle-girth. ~ mahkam full stomach. ~ botdi to strike a nerve, to cut deep.ayiq zool.bear. ~ polvon nickname for bears. ~ murut a type of pear. Katta ~ the Big Bear (s. Kichik ~ s. Kichik Yetti Og'ayniayiqtovon bot.buttercup. ayilmoq coll.: v.i. s. ayril-, ajral-. ayirbosh ~ qil- to exchange, to trade. ayirboshlamoq v.t. to exchange, to trade; to change, to renew. [ayirboshlan-] ayirgich divider. ayirish v.n. of ~ belgisi minus sign. ayirma difference. ayirmachilik discrimination, differing treatment. bu yerda ayirmachilik yo'q We don't discriminate here. ayirmali math. differential?? [raznostnyy] ayirmoq v.t. to separate, to divide; to distinguish between, to differentiate, to discriminate; to take away from; to subtract. [ayril-, ayirish-, ayirtir-] ayiruv v.n. of ayir-; ~ belgisi s. ~ bog'lovchisi disjunctive conjunction. ayiruvchi ~ bog'lovchisi s. ayiruv bog'lovchisi.ayla- obs.to do, to make, to perform (s. qil-, Et-). [aylan-] aylana surroundings; circle; circular, circuitous, roundabout. ~ yo'l roundabout road. ~sida surrounding, around, enclosing. aylanay Well, I'll be!; Bless my soul!; Glory be! aylanish v.n. of ~ yo'l roundabout way; labyrinth. aylanishmoq v.i. coop. of aylan-; to be detained, to get stuck (s.w.); to linger, to loiter. aylanma circular; circuitous, winding; roundabout; whirlpool. ~ harakat circular motion. trolleybus ~si trolley roundabout. aylanmachoq winding, roundabout, crooked; a ball game played by girls (in which they must spin around and catch a ball which they have thrown in the air). aylanmoq v.i. to spin, to turn; to go or walk around, to take a walk; to change, turn, or transform into; to go around (with), to associate with; to turn over (capital). ~ib-o'rgilib to exclame "boshi ~di to have one's head spin, to be dizzy. gap ~ib ... and the talk got around to (the subject of)... til ~may qoldi to be speechless, to get a frog in one's throat. havo ~ib turibdi the weather is looking ominous. ~sin expression denoting indifference to loss, etc.; denotes love, devotion. bir ko'ylak sendan ~sin! Fine, you can have that one dress! [aylanish-, aylantir-] aylantirmoq v.t. caus. of ~ib kelganda all-in-all. ~ib tushur- to throw down (a wrestling opponent). boshni ~- to make s.o.'s head spin. [aylantiril-] aymashmoq to twine around, to climb up (vine). aymoq arch.: v.t. to say (s. ayt-).\n\ntribe, clan, people.aymoqi 1 bot.a type of grape vine that can withstand cold weather (w/o being buried). aymoqi 2: joker. ayn (Arabic) ~ vaqtda at the same time. aynama fickle; easily losing its color (cloth); impurely bred, crossbred. aynamachi fickle. aynamoq s. ayni-. [aynat-] aynan lit.: (Arabic) exact(ly). ayni (Arabic) exact, the same, real; exactly, right on. ~ muddao just what was called for, just what the doctor ordered. ~ zamonda at the same time, meanwhile. aynimoq v.i. to turn bad or sour; to lose color (cloth); to lose one's morals; to go back on one's word, to change one's mind; to sell out; to go beyond the pale, to go too far. ko'ngli ~di to feel sick to one's stomach; to become upset. miyasi ~b qolgan to lose one's senses, to go out of one's head. fe'li ~b turibdi to get upset. havo ~di The weather's gone bad. [aynit-] ayniqsa especially; exceptionally, infinitely. ayniyat (Arabic) identity.ayo arch.Ho!, Hey! ayol (Arabic) woman; wife. ayolmand (Persian) married,. having a wife and children. ayon (Arabic) clear, obvious, apparent. ~ ayla-/et- to make known. a'yon(lar) obs. (Arabic) officials, notables. ayov ~ bermay mercilessly, showing no pardon. ayovli precious, delicate. ~ mehmon precious, dear guest. ayovsiz merciless, unrelenting. ayoz cold snap, clear, cold weather. ayqashmoq v.i. to lie in a heap. [ayqashtir-] ayqashtirmoq caus. of ayqash-; to pile in a heap. ayqash-uyqash all in a heap, in heaps and piles. ayqirmoq v.i. to rage, to rush (water). [ayqirish-] ayqish-tuyqush s. ayqash-tuyqash. ayra ~ buyril-/~ tuw- to fall apart. ayri forked, split; separate, different, opposite; forked stick or prop; two-pronged pitchfork. ~ tuyoqlilar cloven-hooved animals. ~ tuya two-humped (Bactrian) camel. ayricha special, unique. ayril-ayril apart, separately. ayrilik difference, discrepancy; support, prop (for trees). ayriliq separation (from one's beloved). ayrilish v.n. of ayril-; fork (in road); separation. ayrilmas s. ajralmas. ayrilmoq v.i. pass. of bor-yo'g'idan ~- to lose everything. ishidan ~may so'zlay boshladi He began talking without stopping his work. [ayrilish-] ayriluvchi v.n. of ayril-; subtrahend. ayrim separate, different, distinct; some, certain. ayrimlik separateness, distinctness; difference, distinction. ayron drink made from churning yoghurt with water. ~ bosh dunderhead. ayronchi seller of ayron. aysberg (Russian) iceberg. aysh (Arabic) pleasure(s), delight(s); drunkenness, intoxication, revelry. ~ qil-/~ini sur- to enjoy o.s., to have a party. ayshgoh (Persian) house of pleasure. aysh-ishrat (Arabic) the high life, a life of pleasure; debauchery, wine, women, and song. aytarli worth mentioning, noticeable. aytaylik let's say... aytgancha by the way... aytganday as... has said; by the way... aytgu(n)day s. aytarli. aytilish v.n. of aytil-; pronunciation (s. talaffuz). aytish v.n. of ayt-; pronunciation. aytishmoq v.t. coop. of ayt-; to have a verbal quarrel, dispute, or contest. aytmoq v.t. to say, to tell, to mention; to invite; to indicate. ~gani ~gan, degani degan s.o. who gets the job done, s.o. whose orders are followed. meni ~di dersiz Mark my words. qizim senga ~aman, kelinim sen Eshit talk meant for another's ears. ~asan-qo'yasan Say it, but don't do it (??). ~ishga ochon Easier said than done. shuni ~ing! Right on!, So true!, Now you're talking! ~ing/~maysizmi? and how...!, and so...! [aytil-, aytish-, ayttir-] aytmoqchi s. aytganday. aytqich gifted reciter or singer. ayttirmoq v.t. caus. of ayt-; to promise in marriage. aytuvli dear, honored, esteemed. ayvon (Arabic) room or veranda open on at least one side. jahon ~ida on the face of the Earth. ayyom (Arabic) day(s); holiday, holiday time. ~i ajuz the last week of winter. ~lari muborak! Congratulations on the holiday! ayyor (Arabic) crafty, sly, sneaky; trickster, sorcerer. ayyorcha s. ayyorona. ayyorgarchilik s. ayyorgarlik. ayyorgarlik craftiness, slyness. ayyorlarcha s. ayyorona. ayyorlik abstr. of ayyor; craftiness, wiliness. ayyorona (Persian) craftily, sneakily. ayyuhannos (Arabic) Hear ye, hear ye! az ro'zi azal: (Persian) from the very first. aza (Arabic) mourning; women's mourning ceremony. ~ och- to begin mourning for a relative who lives elsewhere. ~ tut- to be in mourning. azador (Persian) in mourning. azadorlik state of being in mourning. azal (Arabic) eternity (in the past), the distant past. ~gi ancient. ~dan since the beginning of time. ~da at first, in the beginning, since the very beginning; in the distant past. ~dan abad for all eternity; from beginning to end. azaliy (Arabic) ancient. a'zam obs. (Arabic) great, revered. vazir(i) ~ the grand vizier. azamat (Arabic) great; big, strapping. azavozlik excessive crying or sadness. ~ qil- to cry or carry on too much. azayimxon (Persian) a type of healer who treats the sick with prayers, magic formulas and blowing on them. azayimxonlik abstr. of azayimxon; practice of treating with magic formulas. azbaroyi (Persian) for the sake of; due to, because of. ~ xudo for the sake of God. ~ shifo as medicine, to get better; for God's sake. ~ hayajonga tushganidan due to his excitement, due to his having become excited. azim (Arabic) great, huge. azimkor (Persian) industrious, capable. azimut (Russian) azimuth. aziyat (Arabic) pain, difficulty; harm. ~ yetkaz- to harm; to anger. aziz (Arabic) dear; holy, sacred; rare. azl obs. (Arabic) qil-/et- to dismiss, to depose. azm lit.: (Arabic) resolution. azmkor (Persian) determined, resolute. azmoyish (Persian) ~(ini) ol- to investigate, to examine thoroughly. a'zo (Arabic) organ, part; member. ~i badan the entire body. azob (Arabic) torture, anguish, pain, grief. ~ ber- to torture, to torment. nima ~ Why all the trouble?; Why bother yourself with this? azoblamoq v.t. to torture, to bother, to trouble. [azoblan-] azob-uqubat(lar) (Arabic) tortures and agonies, pain and troubles. a'zolik membership. azon (Arabic) the Muslim call to prayer; early dawn. ~ ayt- to make the call to prayer. ~da at the break of day. Erta (bilan) ~da at the break of day, in the early morningazonchi coll.one who makes the call to prayer, muezzin (s. so'fi, muazzin). azonlab early in the morning, at the break of day. azot 1: (Russian) nitrogen.azot 2 coll.~ ko'tar- to hoist, to heft. azotlamoq v.t. to nitrify. [azotlan-] azotli nitrous. Azozil (Arabic) the Devil. Azroil (Arabic) Azrael, the angel of death. aztahidil obs. (Persian) s. astoydil.azza-bazza coll.on purpose; really, truly. ba 1 shart /a/: sound used to call baadab (Persian) s. boadab. baayni (Persian) selfsame, identical. bab-baravar exactly the same, equal.babaq zool. dial.a species of large chicken. babbit (Russian) babbitt metal. bacha (Persian) child, boy. bachadon (Persian) womb. bachajish (coll.): newborn baby; hatchling; baby-like. bachcha (Persian) (dial.) child, boy; dancing boy. bachchaboz (Persian) keeper or officiando of dancing boys; pederast. bachchag'ar (Persian) s. bachchataloq.bachchalik dial.abstr. of bachcha; childhood. bachchataloq (Persian) bastard, son-of-a-bitch. bachkana (Persian) (arch.) children's (clothing, etc.); childish, child-like, silly. bachkanaboz (Persian) childish, silly, immature. bachkanabozlik silliness, immaturity, childishness; immature or childish behavior. bachkanado'z (Persian) tailor of children's clothes. bachkanagarchilik s. bachkanabozlik. bachkanalarcha immaturely, childishly. bachkanalashmoq to turn, or become childish, silly. [bachkanalashtir-] bachkanalik childishness, silliness, immaturity. ~ qil- to behave childishly. bachki (Persian) secondary shoots eminating from the base of a plant; corn grown to be harvested green; (coll. arch.) children's footwear. ~ barg secondary growth leaf. bachkilamoq to grow secondary branches or leaves; to have a second growth (corn). (Persian) ill-wisher; ba'd obs. (Arabic) later, afterwards, thereafter. bad (Persian) bad. ~ ol- to suspect, doubt. bad+ (Persian) prefix indicating badness. badal (Arabic) compensation, reimbursement; (arch.) fee. ~iga in place of, as compensation for. ~ida during, throughout. badan (Arabic) skin, complexion; body. ~ tarbiya physical education. rohati ~ s. rohatbadan. badanli stout, heavy. badar (Persian) ~ ket- to disappear. badarg'a banishment, exile. ~ bo'l- to be banished, exiled. ~ qil- to drive out, banish, exile. badastir rare dial.: (Persian) replete. badaviy (Arabic) Bedouin. badaviylik nomadic existence (of Arabs); primitiveness. badavlat (Persian) wealthy, monied. badavlatlik wealthiness. badaxloq (Persian) immoral, evil. badaxloqlik immorality; evil or immoral deed or behavior. ba'daz (Persian) thereafter, afterwards. ~ salom after salutation (older formula used in letter writing).ba'dida arch.after, later. badbashara (Persian) ugly, unattractive. badbaxt (Persian) luckless, unfortunate, miserable, wretched. badbaxtlik ill-fatedness; wretchedness, lowliness. badbin arch. pessimist. badbinlik pessimism; malevolence. badbo'y (Persian) malodorous, fetid. badbo'ylik smelliness, malodorousness. badburush ugly, unattractive; hideous, frightful. badburushlik ugliness, hideousness. badchehra (Persian) ill-looking, grim baddoslamoq dial.: v.i. to yell out, to holler; to yell at. badfe'l (Persian) evil-natured. badfe'llik bad, evil character. badgir lit.: (Persian) evil-natured. badgirlik malevolence, rottenness. badgumon (Persian) suspicious, mistrustful. badhavo (Persian) stifling, airless, having bad air; arrogant, haughty. badhaybat (Persian) monstrous, enormous; terrifying. badhazm (Persian) hard to digest, upsetting; unlikeable; disgusting, nauseating. badhazmlik indigestibility; indigestion; insufferableness. badia obs. (Arabic) marvelous artistic creation. badiha lit.: (Arabic) impromptu verse, musical performance. badihago'y (Persian) composer of impromptu verse. badiiy (Arabic) artistic, creative, fine (literature, etc.). badiiylik artistic merit. badiiyot arch. (Arabic) works of esthetic and artistic value. badjahl (Persian) evil-tempered. badjahllik evil-temperedness. badkarda rare: (Persian) evil-doer, malefactor; infamous. badkirdor (Persian) evil-doer, malefactor. badkirdorlik mischief, evil doings. badkor obs. (Persian) s. badkarda. badlanmoq dial.: v.i. to become furious, to lash out. badmast (Persian) one who behaves badly when drunk. badmastlik abstr. of ~ qil- to behave dissolutely or scandalously while drunk. badmuomala (Persian) surly, uncivil. badmuomalalik surliness, gruffness, uncivil behavior or attitude. ~ bilan in a surly manner. badnafas rare: (Persian) cynical, pessimistic, gloomy. badnafs (Persian) depraved; greedy. badnamo (Persian) hideous, repulsive, repugnant. badnamolik ugliness, hideousness. badniyat (Persian) ill-willed, of evil intentions. badnom (Persian) ill-famed, infamous. badorma-bardor from hand to hand. badqovoq sulky, gloomy, sullen; cloudy badqovoqlik gloominess, sulkiness. badraf (Persian) latrine, outhouse. badrafxona (Persian) s. badraf. badrashk (Persian) extremely jealous. badro'y (Persian) ugly, repulsive. badtar (Persian) s. battar. badtarin (Persian) s. battarin. badxat (Persian) having poor penmanship. badxoh (Persian) malevolent. badxohlik malevolence. badxo'r (Persian) foul, bad-tasting. badxo'y (Persian) s. badfe'l. badxulq (Persian) ill-tempered, perverse. bad'ya (Persian) large wooden or metal bucket. badzot (Persian) bad-blood(ed). bafarmon (Persian) ~i Xudo by the will of God. bafurja (Persian) at one's ease, comfortably, in peace.bag'-bug' ono.din, clamour, commotion. bagaj (Russian) baggage, luggage. bagajnik (Russian) luggage carrier, rack, or compartment. bagajxona luggage compartment; luggage room. bag'ayrat (Persian) full of energy, strength. bag'az (Persian) cross-piece attached to the legs of a so'ri or ishkom. bag'baqa (Arabic) dewlap. bag'baqador (Persian) having a dewlap. bag'illamoq v.i. to bawl; to bubble furiously. [bag'illat-, bag'illash-]bag'ir-bug'ur ono.s. bag'-bug'. bag'ir 3pp bag'ri: liver; bosom, heart. yer ~iga in the bosom of the earth, underground. ~i keng wide, spacious; kind-hearted, generous. ~i tosh cold-hearted. ~i qora evil-natured. ~iga ol- to accept with open arms, to provide succor.~ingiz butun bo'lib qoldimi? ~ini yerga berib yot- to lie with one's breast to the ground (sign of deep anguish and grief). ~ini ko'tarip ol- to right oneself, to recover. ~ini qon qil- to distress, to aggrieve. ~ini Ez- to rend s.o.'s heart, to aggrieve. bag'irlamoq 1: s. bag'illa-.\n\n2: er ~b to lie or go along the ground. er ~b o'sadigan o'simliklar creepers, creeping plants. er ~b uch- to fly low to the ground. bag'ishlamoq v.t. to commemorate, devote; to donate. [bag'ishlan-, bag'ishlat-] bag'oyat (Persian) extremely, exceedingly. bag'riqurt a worm infecting the lungs of sheep. baham (Persian) ~ ko'r(ish)- to share. bahamjihat (Persian) together, in unison, with solidarity. bahamjihatlik solidarity. baharhol (Persian) however it be. baharnav (Persian) in any case, nevertheless. bahavo (Persian) airy, open. bahaybat (Persian) enormous, gigantic. bahayo (Persian) moral, chaste, decent. baho (Persian) price, value, worth; grade. ~ ber- to affix a price to s.t.; to judge, to grade. ~si yo'q It's invaluable. bahodir (Mong.): hero. bahodirlik heroism. bahodirona (Persian) heroically, hero-like. baholamoq to affix a price to s.t.; to judge. [baholan-, baholat-, baholash-] baholashmoq coop. of bahola-; to haggle over s.t.'s price or value. baholi qudrat: (Persian) to the extent of one's ability, as much as is possible.\n\nvaluable, expensive. bahona (Persian) excuse. bola ~diydor g'animat doing s.t. on completely different pretences, esp. to see one's lover. ~ qil- to use as an excuse. bahonachi s.o. who is full of excuses. bahor (Persian) spring. ~gi spring (adj.) bahori (Persian) spring (wheat, etc.). bahorikor (Persian) lands where spring crops are grown, unirrigated lands. pleasure. ~ bo'l- to be acceptable; to be carried out. ~ keltir-/Et-/qil- to perform, carry out, execute. bahorikorlik cultivation of spring crops. bahoriston (Persian) land of spring, place of blossoming and blooming. bahosiz priceless. bahoyi (Persian) Baha'i. bahoyilik Baha'iism, the Baha'i faith. bahr 1: (Arabic) sea, ocean. ~i (dili) ochildi to open up, to feel in high spirits.\n\n2: group of 19 lines in aruza.\n\n3: (Persian) s. ~idan o't-/kech- to forgo, renounce. bahra (Persian) profit, gain, advantage; pleasure, delight. ~ ol- to gain pleasure from, delight in; to avail o.s. of s.t. bahralanmoq s. bahra ol-. bahramand (Persian) blessed with, given a share of, fortunate, favored. tajribalaringizdan biz ham ~ bo'laylik Let us also (have the good fortune to) share in your experience. bahrasiz deprived of, bereft. bahribayt (Persian) a game of poetry recitation where contestants recite lines of poetry whose first syllable rhymes with the last syllable recited by the other side. bahridil (Persian) ~i ochildi s. bahri ochildi. bahs (Arabic) discussion; debate, dispute. ~ och- to open a discussion. ~ qil- to discuss; to dispute. bahslashmoq to discuss; to debate, wrangle, argue. bahslashuv v.n. of bahslash-; debate, discussion; dispute, argument. bahuzur (Persian) at ease, at peace, freely. o'ziga ~ in the lap of luxury, prosperous. baittifoq (Persian) mutually; by consent. bajarmoq to execute, carry out, fulfill, perform (duty). [bajaril-, bajarish-]. bajo (Persian) satisfactory, fine; (remark) fine, will do, agreed; with bajonidil (Persian) with heart and soul, with pleasure. bak (Russian) tank, vessel.baka-bang ono.bam-boom. bakor (Persian) ~ kel- to be fitting, useful; to affect, come into effect; to be equal to. bakorat arch. (Arabic) virginity.bakovul hist.royal food-taster and cup bearer; chef, cook. tayyor oshga ~ freeloader.bakovulboshi arch.head chef, head cook.bakra zool.?? a sturgeon-like fish. bakterial (Russian) bacterial. bakteriolog (Russian) bacteriologist. bakteriologik (Russian): bacteriological. bakteriologiya (Russian) bacteriology. bakteriya (Russian) bacteria.bakuch arch.strong; strapping. bal (Russian) (dancing) ball balaban arch: a wind instrument like a surnay. baladiya (Arabic) ~ shu'basi (bo'limi) municipal office. balalayka (Russian) balalayka. baland (Persian) tall, high; the heights; on high, above. kibri-havosi ~ conceited, full of conceited airs. qo'li ~ fortunate, successful, victorious. ~ kelto be victorious, to win; to outdo. ~dan kel- to ask a high price; to talk big. balandlamoq (v.i.): to rise, ascend; to inscrease. [balandlan-, balandlat-, balandlash-] balandlik abstr. of baland; height(s). balandparvoz (Persian) high-flying; snobby, pretentious. baland-past uneven; high and low. baland-pastlik hilliness, unevenness; hilly, uneven area. balans (Russian) balance. savdo ~i balance of trade. aktiv ~ working balance. passiv ~ unfavorable balance. issiqlik ~i balance of heat?? balansir (Russian) rocking beam, rocking shaft; balance wheel (of clock). balanslamoq to balance. [balanslan-] balchiq mud; mire, muddy area. balchiqli muddy. balchiqlik mire, muddy area. balchiqzor muddy area, mire. balerina (Russian) ballerina. balet (Russian) ballet. baletchi ballet dancer. baletmeyster (Russian) ballet master. balg'am (Arabic) phlegm. balg'ami (Persian) a greenish-blue color. bali ali desa, ~ de- s. ali\n\ncoll.: (Persian) s. balli. baliq fish. ~ yili the year of the fish of the 12 year animal calendar. ~ sirti streamlined. baliqchi fisherman; (zool.) seagull; kingfisher. baliqchilik abstr. of baliqchi; fishery; fish-raising. baliqfurush fishmonger.baliqko'z bot.a type of Russian thistle; fish-eyed. baliqtut s. balxi tut. baliqxo'r fond of eating fish. balka (Russian) beam. (s. to'sin). balkar Bulghar(ian). balki (Persian) perhaps, maybe. balkim arch. (Persian) s. balki. balkon (Russian) balcony. ball (Russian) degree; grade; point. ballada (Russian) ballad. ballast (Russian) ballast. balli 1: (Persian) bravo! very good! excellent!.\n\n2: -point, -force. besh ~ zilzila earthquake measuring five on the Richter scale. ballistik (Russian) ballistic. ballistika ballistics. ballon (Russian) tank; tire; balloon.balo-battar coll.this and that; whatever. balneolog balneologist. balneologik (Russian) balneological. balo calamity, misfortune, scourge; evil, trouble; something or other, whatever (word used as a substitute for other words, usu. with negative or sarcastic overtones); super (at doing s.t.), astounding, expert, ?bad?. ~ bormi? What the heck is there? What the heck are you going to do with that?~dan ham qaytmaydi He doesn?t stop at anything. ~day Eplab qil- to do something up right, to carry s.t. off well. ~day/~ga qol- to be left holding the bag, to be held culpable. ~ga qo'yto get s.o. into trouble, to put s.o. into a difficult position; to leave s.o. else holding the bag. ~ga uchra-/~i azim great disaster. ~i nogahon sudden, unexpected misfortune. ~yi nafs/nafs ~si one?s just deserts (for vice). bir ~ dedi he said something or other. bir ~ qiling! Do something!. boshga ~ bo'ldi to be a trouble; to be a headache. bowga ~ qil- to cause trouble for s.o.; to burden s.o. with s.t. boshga bitgan ~ unavoidable/inevitable misfortune. bunda bir ~ bor There?s something fishy about this. har ~ every darn thing. har ~ bo'lsa ham Whatever the hell happens. har ~ni biladi he knows everything there is to know. hech ~ not a blessed thing, not a damn thing. hech ~da yo'q, hech ~ni bilmaydi He can?t do a darn thing. nima (ne, qanday) ~? What the heck (is this)?. nima ~ bo'ldi? What the heck happened? nima ~ qilding!? What the hell did you do?!. suv ~si inundation, flood. tuhmat ~si slander, slanderous situation. u yerda hech ~ yo'q There?s not a damn thing there. u juda ~ odam He?s really amazing. uni ~ ham urmaydi nothing will touch him, nothing will happen to him. uni mening boshimga ~ qilding! You brought it down on me! balogardon (Persian) saviour, protector. ~ bo'l- to serve as a protector for. relatives of a departed person). ~ni bajo keltir- to pass away, to go to one's just rewards. balog'at (Arabic) maturity. ~ guvohnomasi (arch.) high school diploma. ~ga yet- to reach maturity. balo-ofat calamities and misfortunes. balo-qazo all kinds of trouble; calamity, misfortune. baloxo'r (Persian) freeloader, sponger. baloyi battar: s. balo-battar.\n\nqazo: s. balo-qazo. baloyu ofat: s. balo-ofat.balqamboq bot.a type of Russian thistle.balqi- 1 poet.to glitter, shine; to flourish. balqimoq 2: to bubble up, swell; to heave, shiver, stir. balx(i) ~ jo'xori (bot.) a type of sorghum. ~ tut white mulberry. balzam (Russian) balm. balzamlamoq v.t. to embalm. bama'ni (Persian) rational, reasonable; serious. bama'nilik reasonableness. bamaslahat (Persian) with due advice, with consultation. bamaylixotir (Persian) nonchalant. bambuk (Russian) bamboo. bambukzor stand of bamboo. bamisli arch. (Persian) s. bamisoli. bamisoli (Persian) like, unto, as. u ~ mashina He is like a machine. banan (Russian) banana. bananzor banana grove. band 1: (Persian) occupied, taken; busy; chains, shackles; charm, spell. ~ bo'l- to be busy; to be taken, occupied. qo'lim ~ I'm occupied/busy. ~dan ozod qil- to free from chains.\n\n2: (Persian) handle, stem, band, joint, link; chains; paragraph; line.\n\n3: (Persian) captivity, confinement. ~ qil- to arrest; to constrain. banda 1: (Russian) band (thieves).\n\n2: (Persian) slave, servant (of God); human being; slave (to s.t.), servant. ~ngiz/~lari your humble servant. bandachilik s. bandalik. bandaj (Russian) bandage, wrappings. bandak (Persian) false sleeves on a paranji. bandalik abstr. of banda; servitude, slavery, incarceration. ~-da app. Such is life. (expression of consolance for bandargoh (Persian) port; resting-place. banderol (Russian) package, parcel.bandi obs.captive, prisoner; in a position of being forced to lose (game of chance). ~ qil- to take prisoner. bandilik abstr. of bandi; captivity, incarceration. bandit (Russian) bandit. banditizm (Russian) banditry. banditlik abstr. of bandit. bandlamoq 1: to tie together, fasten.\n\n2: to incapacitate by means of magic. bandlik abstr. of band 1. bandura (Russian) bandura (Ukrainian stringed instrument). bandurachi bandura player. bang (Persian) hashish (s. nasha). bangi (Persian) hash-smoker; drug-user; delinquent. bangidevona bot.: (Persian) common jimson weed. bangilik abstr. of bangi; hashish smoking; dissolute drug use. banginamo (Persian) similar in appearance or behavior to a hash-smoker. bangixona arch. (Persian) hash den. banibashar obs. (Arabic) all humankind, the human race. baniinson obs. (Arabic) s. banibashar. baniodam obs. (Arabic) s. banibashar. bank (Russian) bank. banka (Russian) jar; can.\n\ncoll.: (Russian) s. bank. bankabrosh (Russian) flyer frame (for textiles) bankabroshchi operator of a flyer frame. banket (Russian) banquet. bankir (Russian) banker. banknot (Russian) banknote. bankrot (Russian) bankrupt. ~ bo'l- to go bankrupt. bankrotlashmoq v.i. to go or become bankrupt. bankrotlik bankruptcy.bannisa coll.s. bol'nitsa. banogoh (Persian) unexpectedly, out of nowhere. banoras ?? a type of material from India (Varanasi). [banoras]banot 1 dial.velvet. banot 2: s. manot. bant (Russian) (hair) bow. bantik (Russian) small (hair)bow. baobro' (Persian) esteemed, well-respected.baqa dial.frog; toad. ~ burun flat-nosed. ~ ko'z frog-eyed, bug-eyed. baqadrihol (Persian) as much as possible, as much as can be.baqajo'xori bot.(European) pepperweed. baqaloq 1: knucklebone of animals.\n\n2: thickset, stocky. baqamti (Persian) face-to-face. ~ kelto come face-to-face. ~ qil- to bring face-to-face. baqar (Arabic) ~ yili the year of the ox in the 12-yr. animal calendar. baqasalla toadstool (s. qurbaqasalla).baqaterak bot.black poplar.baqato'n bot.duckweed. baqavli arch. (Persian) like unto, as. baqbaqa s. bag'baqa. baqbaqaloq very stout. baqiriq yell, shout. baqiriq-chaqiriq yelling and shouting. baqirlamoq v.i. to bubble noisily. [baqirlat-]. baqirmoq to yell, shout, scream. [baqirish-, baqirtir-]baqir-buqur ono.~ qayna- to boil bubbling noisily.baqir arch.(red) copper. baqiroq loud-mouthed, loud-voiced. baqiroqlik noisiness, loudness. baqiya arch. (Arabic) unpaid taxes, debts, etc. baqiyador arch. (Persian) in arrears; debtor. baqiyadorlik indebtedness.baqlajon bot.eggplant. baqo obs. (Arabic) perpetualness, permanency. dunyoyi ~ the hereafter. baqoli long-lived, lasting, permanent. baqosiz s. bebaqo. baqqol arch. (Arabic) grocer. baqqolchilik grocery business.baqqollik arch.grocery business; grocers' stalls, grocers' section of a bazaar. baqraymoq to stare, glare at. [baqrayish-, baqrayt(ir)-] baqrayt(ir)moq caus. of ko'zini ~tir- to open one's eyes wide (in anger or excitement). ko'zingni ~ib smack dab in front of you, in broad daylight, looking you in the eye the whole time. baquvvat (Persian) strong, healthy, robust, tough. ~misiz? a greeting used by elderly people. beli ~ in robust health; well-off financially. ~ tort- to get stronger. baquvvatlanmoq v.i. to become strong, gain strength. baquvvatlashmoq s. baquvvatlan-. baquvvatlik strength, power, might, toughness. bar (Persian) skirt (of coat, etc.); two outer halves of a garment. ~ ur- to gird oneself. baraban (Persian) drum. barabanchi drum-player, drummer. barabanli qozon: ?? [barabannyy kotel] barahman (Persian) Brahman. barak 1: (Russian) barracks.\n\n2 dial.: (Persian) wonton. [s. chuchvara]. baraka (Arabic) blessing(s), bounty; profit, good. ~si ketdi or ~ ko'tarildi/xirmonga ~! invocation made during threshing season. qo'lida ~ yo'q/ qo'lining ~si yo'q Money slips through his fingers. ~ top!/bor ~/bor ~ top/~ de(ng)/~ qil(ing) expression used to induce the seller to sell at the price being asked. boriga ~ Thanks be for what we have.; Thanks for even this much. barakali fertile, prosperous, abundant, fruitful, full of blessings. qo'li ~li said of s.o. who is gifted, productive. barakalla (Persian) Very good! God bless you! Good going! barakallachi s. haybarakallachi. barakasiz not blessed; unfruitful. barakat rare: (Arabic) s. baraka. baral(l)a distinctly, clearly, loud and clear; openly, frankly; loudly, at the top of one's lungs; unceremoniously, coolly. baravar (Persian) equal, same, same level; at the same time; together; equally; time(s as). uch ~ kam three times less. uch ~ ko'proq three times as much. ~ kel-/ ~ ko'r-/~iga altogether; equally; (in exchange) for, in terms of. mehnatim ~iga for my labors. pul ~iga in exchange for money. 10 litr sut ~iga 400 gr. tuz 400 g. salt per 10 l. of water. ~ida together with; at the height of; equal to; at the same level as. baravarlamoq v.t. to equalize, make level, to balance. [baravarlan-, baravarlash-] baravarlashmoq v.i. coop. of baravarla-; to become equal; to line up exactly; to become balanced, matched. [barvarlashtir-, baravarlashtiril-] baravarlik equality. baravj rare: (Persian) at its peak. barbod (Persian) ruined, destroyed, wasted. ~ bo'l- to be wasted, squandered; to be spoiled, ruined. barbodlik ruin, devastation. barcha every, all; entire. barda (Russian) leftover mash from distilleries used as animal feed. bardam (Persian) strong, healthy, sprightly. ~ bardammisiz? greeting used by older to each other. bardamlik strength, health, sprightliness. bardanka s. berdanka. bardi bot.: (Arabic) sedge. bardor (Persian) lifted up. bardor-bardor (Persian) ~ qil- to lift up and pass from person to person (hero, etc.) bardosh (Persian) strength, endurance, fortitude. unda ~ qolmadi He has no resolve left. ~ ber-/qil- to carry on, endure; to uplift s.o.'s resolve. bardoshli persevering, resolute; strong. bardoshsiz weak; lacking resolve or endurance. barelef (Russian) bas-relief. barg (Persian) leaf. yolg'on ~ seed leaf, cotyledon. ~i nozik a type of melon. sen daraxtning shoxida yursang, u ~ida yuradi said of s.o. who outdoes another. bargak 1: (Persian) dried apricots.\n\n2: a type of women's head ornament composed of gold and silver coins; pussy willow; a tassle made of pussy willow worn in the hair. oq uy, ola ~ said of a palacial house. bargikaram (Persian) cabbage-green color; a type of atlas with patches of this color. bargizub bot.: (Persian) plaintain, ribwort (s. zubturum). barglamoq to put out leaves, to come into leaf. barham (Persian) ~ ber- to do away with, put an end to. ~ ye-/top- to be done away with, come to an end, disappear. barhaq obs. (Persian) real, true, genuine. barhavo (Persian) s. bahavo. barhayot (Persian) living, alive. bari all, all of. ~ bir all the same; nonetheless, even so; of no importance. menga ~ bir It's all the same to me; I don't care. baribog' garden plot rented for one year; summer house and garden, dacha.barikaram coll.s. bargikaram.barimta hist.raid carried out among nomads to settle feuds, vendetta. bariton (Russian) baritone. barivoj (Persian) mature, blossoming. bariy (Russian) barium. barja (Russian) barge. barkamol (Persian) mature, well-developed; perfect, ideal. barkash (Persian) platter. barlos the Barlas tribe; a Barlas Turk. barmoq finger; toe; a measurement app. the width of the middle finger. ~ bos- to sign using only a thumbprint. ~ni bigiz qil- to point a finger (at s.o.). o'n ikki ~ ichak duodenary intestines. ~ vazni syllabic meter. ~ini tishla- to bite one's nails (in fear, anxiety). besh ~day bil- to know like the palm of one's hand. barno (Persian) youthful; beautiful, attractive. barobar (Persian) s. ikki karra ikki ~ to'rt Two plus two equals four. barograf (Russian) barograph. barogramma (Russian) barogram?? (readout of a barograph)barol coll.s. baror. barometr (Russian) barometer. barometrlik barometric. baron (Russian) baron. baroq (Ott.): plush, thick. baror success, prosperity. barot 1: (Arabic) royal pardon; order of reprieve, privilege, honor.barot 2 coll.8th mo. of the lunar calendar (s. SHa'bon). barpo (Persian) ~ bo'l-/~ qil-/Et- to found establish, build, bring about. barq (Arabic) lightning. ~ ur- to flash; to explode (in growth); to jump out at, be prominent; to radiate. barqaror (Persian) stable, established, durable, constant. ko'ngil ~ bo'ldi to have one's heart put at ease. ~ so'z birikmalari set phrases. ~ bo'l- to be stable, firm, settled; to be confident, sure. barqarorlik stability, constancy, permanency.barqut coll.s. barxit. barra (Persian) lamb; lambskin; virgin, fresh. ~ piyoz fresh, tender green onion. ~ o't/maysa fresh grass. barrikada (Russian) barricade. bars (Persian) snow leopard (s. ~ yili year of the tiger, 3rd year of the 12-yr. animal calendar. barsh (Persian) a narcotic made of opium, honey, and aromatic herbs. barshchina (Russian) statute labor, corv? bartaraf (Persian) ~ ~ qil- to settle, resolve. barvaqt (Persian) early, in good time; timely, on time. barvasta (Persian) strapping, broad-shouldered. barvastalik abstr. of barvasta. barxan moving sand dune. barxit (Russian) velvet. barzangi (Persian) negro; swarthy person; black giant. bas 1: (Persian) Enough!, Stop!; verily, certainly; well, then. ~ qil- to stop, desist.\n\n2: (Arabic) ~ bog'lash-/~ kel- to be s.o./s.t.'s equal, to match.\n\n3: (Russian) bass. basalobat lit.: (Persian) majestic, grand, impressive. basavlat (Persian) impressive, awe-inspiring, regal. base obs. (Persian) much, often, continually. bashang outfitted, bedecked; foppish. bashar lit.: (Arabic) human being. bashara (Arabic) face; looks; figure, character. ~sini ochib tashla- to unmask. bashariy (Arabic) human-; man-made. bashariyat lit.: (Arabic) humans, the human race. basharti (Persian) in case, in the event that, should... bashnya (Russian) turret, tower. bashorat lit.: arch. (Arabic) good tidings, good omen; prophecy, prediction. bashoratli prophetic, perspicacious. basir (Arabic) blind. basit obs. (Arabic) simple, common. basketbol (Russian) basketball. basketbolchi basketball player. baski obs. (Persian) Enough!baslashcoll.to bet, make bets on. basma-bas (Persian) race, competition. ~(i)ga/~likka in competition, racing. basma-baslashmoq v.i. to bet against one another; to compete. bassein (Russian) swimming pool. bast (Persian) figure, body. basta obs. (Persian) tied, connected to. bastakor (Persian) composer. bastalamoq to write, compose (music). [bastalan-] bastalik barrier, obstruction. ~ keltirto obstruct. batafsil (Persian) in detail. batalon (Russian) battalion. batamiz (Persian) bright, intelligent. batamom (Persian) entirely, completely, in its entirety. batang (Persian) ~ bo'l-/~ qil-/~ga keltir- to get on the nerves of; to make ring (ears). batareya (Russian) battery. batartib (Persian) orderly. batinka coll.: (Russian) s. botinka.batis coll.s. batist. batist (Russian) cambric. baton (Russian) long, French-style loaf of bread. batrachkom hist.: (Russian) batrak committee; such a committee's director. batrak (Russian) manual laborer for a (pre-revolutionary) landlord. batraklashmoq v.i. to (lose one's land and) become a sharecropper or farm laborer. [batraklashtir-, batraklashtiril-]. batraklik abstr. of ~ qil- to work as a sharecropper. batsilla (Russian) bacillus. ~ tashuvchilar bacillus-carriers. battar (Persian) more; worse. battarin (Persian) awful, horrible. battarlashmoq to get worse; to go bad. battol (Arabic) vicious, wicked, depraved; stubborn, obtuse. bavosir (Arabic) hemorrhoids. baxabar (Persian) s. boxabar. baxavar s. boxabar. baxayol ~ga ol- to buy something with the right to return it. baxay(r) (Persian) auspicious, beneficial; All is well, I hope? baxil (Arabic) stingy, tight-fisted, selfish; envious. baxillashmoq v.i. to become stingy. baxillik stinginess; enviousness. baxmal (Persian) velvet. baxsh (Persian) ~ Et- to proffer, to offer, to grant. baxshi singer of epic tales; practitioner of quasi-shamanistic medicine; (hist.) minister in charge of construction finances in the Bukharan khanate. baxshish (Persian) alms, pious gift. baxt (Persian) luck, good fortune; happiness. ~ing ochilsin/~ingni bersin Wishing you all the best! (said to newlyweds). ~i qora (qaro) odam hapless, luckless person. ~ qushi boshiga qo'ndi The bird of good fortune has landed on his head. ~iga fortunately for him... ~ga qarshi unfortunately. ~dan ko'rdim Let happen what may. baxt-iqbol (Persian) luck, good fortune. baxtiyor (Persian) blessed, fortunate, happy, felicious. baxtiyori bot.: (Persian) a type of grape. baxtiyorlik happiness, good luck, good fortune. baxtli fortunate, lucky, blessed; happy. baxtnoma (Persian) lucky charm; s.t. or s.o. which brings good luck. baxt-saodat (Persian) good fortune and happiness. baxtsiz unlucky, hapless, poor; miserable. baxtsizlik misfortune, bad luck; miserableness. ~ka uchra- to have bad luck, to go through bad times. baxtu-iqbol s. baxt-iqbol. baxya (Persian) seam. bir ~ o'tadi to outdo. bir ~ qoldi almost, nearly. baxyado'z (Persian) seamster. baxyalamoq to sew a seam on s.t. bay (Arabic) (business) transaction; by- (in compounds) ~ida shunday (Edi) it was thus agreed. ~ qil- to close a deal; to barter; to cut a deal; to make a deal, to agree. ~ och- to begin bargaining or selling. ~ puli earnest money, advance money. bayan (Russian) a kind of large accordion. bayanchi s. bayanist. bayanist (Russian) player of a bayan. bay-bay (Oh) my!, Goodness!. bay-baylamoq v.i. to exclame "bay-bay!". [bay-baylash-]. baydarka (Russian) kayak. bayir acclimated, habituated (horse); tame, broken in; (coll.) tested and true (friends). bayirlashmoq v.i. to become acclimated or habituated. bayirlik acclimatedness (of horses); tameness. baylashmoq to haggle, bargain. baynalmilal arch. (Arabic): international. baynalmilalchilik internationalism. baynalxalq arch. (Arabic): international. bayon (Arabic) narration, account; dictation. ~ alomati colon (;). ~ qil-/yuqorida ~ qilingan abovementioned.bayonchilik lit.narrative (genre). bayonnoma (Persian) announcement, declaration, statement; official explanation, communique; (arch.) manifesto. bayonot (Arabic) declaration, statement; communique. bayot a style of dugoh maqam (s. dugoh, shashmaqom). bayov gullible. bayoz lit.: (Arabic) a collection of poems. bayram holiday. ~ qil- to celebrate a holiday. ~ oldi pre-holiday.bayrambozlik coll.to play instead of work. bayramchilik holiday celebration. bayramlashmoq to walk about, go about celebrating a holiday. bayramlik holiday present. bayroq flag. ko'k ~ green (traffic) light. ko'chma qizil ~ award of honor given to athletes. oq ~ white flag (of surrender). sariq ~ yellow (warning) flag. qizil ~ red flag; red light. bayroqcha (small) flag, pennant. bayroqdor flag-bearer. bayroqli having a flag; awarded, decorated with a medal, award. bayt (Arabic) verse, couplet; poetry in general in couplets. baytal mare. baytalmon coll. der.: (Arabic) tramp, vagabond; wretched. baytar arch. (Arabic) animal doctor, veterinarian. baytariya arch. (Arabic) veterinary office, shop. baytarlik abstr. of baytar. bayt(u)-g'azal lines and verses, poetry; laments and grievances, grumblings. ~ o'qi- to whine and grumble. baytulahzon arch. (Arabic) house of sorrows; hovel. baytullo(h) (Arabic) the Ka?aba. baytulmol arch. (Arabic) state treasury; state warehouse (of gov?t and repossessed property). baza (Russian) base; basis, foundation. ba'zan (Arabic) sometimes. ba'zi (Arabic) some, a few; certain. ~ vaqt(lar)da sometimes, at times. ~da sometimes, occasionally. ~lar/~ birovlar certain persons. ~lari some of them. ~ bir certain, some. ~ birlari some of them.ba+Persian prefix meaning ?with?. bazis (Russian) basis.bazl obs.generosity; gift. ~i jon qil- to give life to. bazm (Persian) banquet with music and entertainment. ~i jamshid(iy) great, royal banquet. ~ qur- to organize, put together a banquet. qizlar ~i bridal shower. nog'ora ~ a celebration with drums and musical instruments; frolic, merriment; merry chat, conversation. bazmchi performer at a banquet; banquet-goer. bazmgoh (Persian) banquet hall. bazmoro poet.: (Persian) adorning, uplifiting a banquet or feast (poem). bazmxona (Persian) banquet room, banquet hall. bazo'r (Persian) with difficulty, barely. bazur coll.: (Persian) easily, freely. bazzoz (Arabic) cloth-seller, cloth merchant. bazzozlik abstr. of bazzoz; cloth sellers' section of a bazaar . be (ono.): Ha! be+ (Persian) without. beadab (Persian) unmannered, uncouth, lewd. beadabchilik s. beadablik. beadabgarchilik uncouth, lewd behavior or doings. beadablik ill manners, uncouthfulness; indiscretion. ~ bo'lmasa or ~ bo'lsa ham If you'll pardon the indiscretion... beadabona (Persian) uncouthly, lewdly, in an ill-manored fashion. beadad (Persian) innumerable, countless. beamal (Persian) positionless, stationless, of no account; lazy, shiftless. beamr (Persian) lacking orders, w/o orders. beandaza (Persian) w/o measuring, freehand; ungaily, awkward; beyond comparison, w/o measure, outstanding; knowing no bounds, adhering to no standard. beandazalik lack of proportion, unevenness; excess, immoderation. beandisha (Persian) w/o second thoughts, unscupulous; imprudent. beandishalik imprudence. beaql (Persian) brainless, lacking sense, hair-brained. bearmon (Persian) with no regrets; to the fullness of one's desire or wishes. beaxloq (Persian) immoral, desolute. beaxloqlik immorality. beayb (Persian) blameless, faultless. ~ parvardigor Only God is faultless. beayov mercilessly, w/o pardon. beaziyat (Persian) painlessly. bebaho (Persian) priceless. bebahra (Persian) vacuous, valueless, profitless, of no use. bebaqo (Persian) fleeting, impermanent. bebaqolik impermanence. bebaraka (Persian) pointless, worthless, unproductive. bebaxt (Persian) luckless, hapless.bebilchak dial.instep.bebiliska coll.scot-free, for nothing; recklessly. bebizoat (Persian) destitute. bebok (Persian) fearless; impudent. bebosh headless, brainless; heedless, undisciplined; clandestine, renegade. ~ havoyi rascal, scoundrel. beboshbog' s. beboshvoq. beboshlik abstr. of bebosh; disorder, disarray, lawlessness. beboshvoq unbridled, unfettered; rampant. bebozor (Persian) ~ kun non-market day. beburd (Persian) unscrupulous; unreliable, inconsistant. beburdlik inconstancy, capriciousness, unreliability. bechiqim free of expense(s). bechiqit undeviating, uniform. bechiz rare: (Persian) s. bejiz. bechora (Persian) poor, destitute, miserable, pitiful; Poor thing! bechorachilik s. bechoralik. bechorahol (Persian) poor, needy, destitute. bechoralik poverty, destitution, need.beda bot.lucerne, alfalfa; clover. bedachilik s. bedakorlik. bedakor grower of alfalfa, etc. bedakorlik cultivation of alfalfa, etc.bedana zool.common quail. ~ yurish walking with mincing steps. bedanaboz one who raises and fights bedana.bedanamashak zool.jack-snipe. bedapoya field of alfalfa, etc. bedarak (Persian) w/o a trace. bedarmon (Persian) weak, feeble. ~ tort- to lose strength, become weak. bedarmonlik weakness, feebleness. bedarvoza gateless; out of control, unguided. bedav (Persian) spirited (horse). bedavo (Persian) incurable; hopeless; ugly, hideous. dardi ~ incurable illness; anguish that knows no cure. bedavolik incurableness; irreparableness. bedavsuvor horse soldier, cavalier. bedaxmaza (Persian) untroubled, care-free. bedaxona place for storage of hay, hayloft. bedazor field of alfalfa, etc. bedil (Persian) dejected, dispirited; in the pangs of love. bedin (Persian) heathen. bedod (Persian) ~ bo'l- to be w/o justice, to be oppressed. bedodlik injustice, lawlessness. bedom(u)-darak (Persian) w/o a sign or trace. bedona 1: (Persian) leather made from a young animal.\n\n2: (Persian) small black seedless raisins. bedor (Persian) unsleeping; vigilant. bedorlik sleeplessness, vigilance. bedorxob sleepless; sleepy, half awake. bedorxoblik sleeplessness; drowsiness, sleepiness. beEga ownerless, unclaimed. beE?tibor s. E?tiborsiz. befahm (Persian) slow, dull, witless, stupid. befahmlik slow-wittedness, stupidity. befarosat (Persian) witless, unintelligent. befarosatlik slow-wittedness, unintelligence. befarq (Persian) indifferent, apathetic. ~ qara- to be indifferent towards; to have to qualms about. ~ deb bil- befarqlik indifference, apathy. befarzand (Persian) childless. ~ o't- to live w/o having children. befayz (Persian) unattractive, unsightly. befirqa arch. (Persian) non-partisan, non-party. befoyda (Persian) useless; futile. befursat untimely. beg'alva (Persian) peaceable, trouble-free, free of noise or fighting. beg'am (Persian) untroubled, carefree; unconcerned. boqi ~ extremely carefree, unconcerned, laidback. beg'amlik unconcern, indifference, inattention. beg'araz (Persian) unselfish, disinterested, impartial, objective; humanitarian. beg'arazlik disinterestedness, impartiality. beg'arazona impartially, in good faith. begemot (Russian) hippopotamus. begim 1: lady (daughter of a bek, emir, or khan).begim 2 dial.~ kuni non-market day. begona 1: (Persian) strange, unfamiliar, foreign, alien. ~ bo'lib ketto become distant, strange. ~ qil- to treat as a stranger; to put into the hands of others; to lose, scatter. ~ o't weed.\n\n2: royal, regal, magnificent. begonalashmoq to become distant from, a stranger to. begonalik strangeness, unfamiliarness; distancing. ~ qil- to behave distantly, to act like or treat like a stranger. begonasiramoq to pretend not to know s.o., to stand aloof from s.o., to behave distantly or coldly towards s.o. begor dial.: (Persian) forced labor, corv? begoyim s. bek oyim. beg'ubor (Persian) unsullied, pure. beg'uborlik unsulliedness, purity, impeccability. begumon (Persian) w/o a doubt, undoubtedly. begunoh (Persian) blameless, innocent. begunohlik innocence. beh obs. (Persian) good, goodly. behad (Persian) boundless, unlimited, extreme. behafsala (Persian) lackadaisical, spiritless, indifferent. behafsalalik lack of drive; indifference. behalovat (Persian) disturbed, unpeaceful, troubled, chaotic; fussy. behayo (Persian) shameless. behayolik shamelessness. beh-beh sound used to call chickens. behbud obs. (Persian) melioration. behbudlik goodness, well-being. behi quince. behikmat (Persian) unwise, lacking wisdom; worthless. behis (Persian) senseless, unfeeling. behisob (Persian) innumerable, uncountable; unregistered, unnoted, not counted. behizor (Persian) grove of quinces. behol (Persian) weakened, powerless, infirm. behtar (Persian) (obs.) better; (bot.) a type of strawberry. behuda (Persian) in vain, to no avail; useless, idle. ~ga for nothing, for naught. behudalik futility, vainness; impracticality; absurdity. behujjat having no document or documentation, unrecorded, unregistered. behurmat (Persian) disrespectful. ~ qil- to treat disrespectfully. behurmatlik disrespectful behavior. behush (Persian) unconscious; bewildered, out of sorts. ~ qil- to knock out, make unconscious; to bewilder, befuddle. behushlik unconsciousness, blackout. behuzur (Persian) ~ bo'l- to be uneasy, distracted, disturbed, upset. ko'ngli ~ bo'l- to feel sick or unwell. behuzur qilto make uneasy, upset. behuzurlik feeling of being unwell or disturbed. beibo (Persian) shameless. beijozat (Persian) w/o permission, illicitly. beillat (Persian) w/o defect. beiltifot inattentive, thoughtless; brusque, harsh. beimon faithless, atheistic. beimzo unsigned. beintizom disorderly. beish shiftless, unemployed, idle. beishkal (Persian) w/o trouble, w/o difficulty, w/o mishap. beishtiboh w/o a doubt, beyond doubt. beistisno (Persian) w/o exception. beixtiyor (Persian) involuntarily; mechanically, automatically. beiz rail-less (transport); w/o a trace. bejama decoration, ornament; decorated, ornate, fancy; gaudy, overdecorated; ostentatious. bejamador decorated, ornate; overembellished; ostentatious. bejamoq to decorate, beautify; to overdecorate, make gaudy. [bejal-, bejat-] bejanjal (Persian) w/o fighting, peacefully. bejirim neat, pert, dainty. bejirimlik elegance, grace; daintiness. bejiz (Persian) ~ Emas not unfounded, not w/o reason, not for nothing. bejo (Persian) out of place; unsettled, troubled; suspect. yurishi (qadam olishi) ~ having a suspicious manner; strange, out of place, suspicious. bejog'liq fancy, elegant; in perfect order, orderly. bekniki ~ the lord's things are always ready. bejon lifeless (s. jonsiz). bejoy (Persian) out of place, wrong.bek 1 hist.lord, master. ~ oyim lady.bek 2 coll.closed, shut (s. berk). beka wife of a bek or other leader or official; housewife. uy ~si housewife. bekach wife or daughter of a bek; form of adress to a woman. bekami-ko'st (Persian) faultless, perfect, w/o defect. bekami-ko'stlik perfection. bekas (Persian) friendless; bereft of friends and family. bekaslik solitude. bekat way station, station, stop. strength; ridge (hill). ~ og'rit/~i og'rimaganning non yeyishiga qara said of s.o. who wastes what was not won buy his own labor. ~ olish-/~ bog'la- to gird one's loans, to set out to do work. ~iga tep- to pull the rug out from under, to stop short. ~ini sindirto break s.t.'s back. ~ ber- to let o.s. be grabbed by the waistband (in wrestling). ~ini ko'tar- to straighten one's back. ~ga tug- to stick into one's waistband. o'rta ~i just exactly. bekik closed, shut (tight), covered (s. berk). bekilmoq to be closed, shut, covered. bekinmachoq hide-and-seek. bekinmoq to hide. [bekinish-, bekintir-] bekitmoq v.t. to close, shut (tight), cover; to hide. [bekitil-, bekittir-]bekla- coll.s. bekit-. beklarbegi bek of beks, lord of lords. beklik 1: abstr. of bek; status or position of a bek.\n\n2: abstr. of bek 2. bekor (Persian) idle, shiftless; useless, worthless; for naught; untrue, false. ~ bo'l- to be fired, discharged; to be nullified, revoked. ~ ketdi to be wasted, to be for nothing. ~ qil- to fire, discharge; to nullify, cancel. ~ga wasted, for nothing, for no reason; for free. ~dan-~(ga) all for nothing, all for bekorchi idler, loafer; unused, unnecessary, superfluous, surplus. ~ gap nonsense, unfounded saying. bekorchilik idleness, shiftlessness, loafing; uselessness; nonsense. bekorlik idleness; uselessnes. bekuch rare: strengthless, weak. bekvachcha child of a bek. bekzod(a) child of a bek; of noble blood.bekzot coll.s. bekzoda. bel 1: the lower back, abdomen, waist; belt; pocket; side; middle; (fig.)\n\n2: (Persian) shovel. ~ o'roq scythe. belamoq 1: v.t. to strap a baby into its cradle. [belan-].\n\n2: v.i. to soil, foul, sully; (coll.) to cover from head to foot. [belan-]. belanchak a hammock used for rocking babies to sleep. belang(i) bent, stooped. belashmoq to become sullied, soiled. [belashtir-] belat 1 coll.: (Russian) ticket. (s. bilet).\n\n2: ~ qil- to whitewash.belatchi 1 coll.s. biletchi. belatchi 2: whitewasher. belazzat tasteless, insipid. belbog' sash, belt. belingda ~ing bormi? Are you a man? belbog'lik material suitable for use as a sash. belcha small shovel, spade; cobbler's tool used for clipping off the ends of nails; hoe. belchalamoq to hoe cropland. beldamcha warm cotton sash worn inside the clothes; s.t. put or positioned crosswise. beldor strong-backed. beldov (dial.): a rope securing the outer mid-section of a yurt. belEtaj (Russian) dress circle. belgi sign, mark; notation; brand. belgilamoq to mark, indicate; designate, denote; to decide on, to choose. [belgilan-, belgilat-, belgilash-] belgilash olmoshi: ?? indefinite pronoun (har, har kim, har narsa, har qanday) belgili marked, noted, ; certain, known, specific. ~ qaratqich overtly marked genitive (+ning). belgilovchi act. part. of belgila-; marking, indicating, specifying; designator. belgisiz unmarked; unknown; uncertain. ~ qaratqich unmarked genitive case (w/o +ning). belgiyalik Belgian. belila (Russian) ceruse. belkash one who helps a builder of a paxsa wall by tossing shovelfuls of mud to him. belkkurak (long-handled) shovel. bellashmoq to wrestle, fight; to compete. [bellashtir-]. belletrist (Russian) fiction writer. belletristik (Russian) fictional. belletristika (Russian) fiction. bellik (dial.): padding placed underneath the saddle cloth on a saddle; a belbog'; two parallel spokes which hold together the rim of a wagon wheel. belma-bel ~ olish- s. bel olish-. belorus Belorussian. beloruscha Belorussian language. beluga zool.: (Russian) beluga (whale). beluj Baluch(i). bemador (Persian) feeble, weak; exhausted. bemahal (Persian) at an odd time; late (at night). vaqti ~ s. vaqt-bevaqt. bemajol (Persian) frail, infirm, weak, strengthless. bemalol (Persian) easily, freely, at one?s ease, w/o trouble; Be my guest! ~ bo'lsa If you don?t mind? bemalolchilik free and easy life. bema'ni meaningless, nonsensical, absurd. bema'nigarchilik absurdness, absurd behavior; nonsense, rigamarole. bema'nilik (Persian) nonsense, absurdity; absurdness. bema'no (Persian) s. bema?ni. bemaqsad (Persian) purposeless, pointless. bemashaqqat (Persian) w/o travail, w/o difficulty, easily. bemaslahat (Persian) w/o seeking advice from others. bemaslak (Persian) unprincipled, lacking conviction. bemavrid (Persian) untimely; unseemly, awkward. bemaza foul, bad-tasting; bland, unsipid; so-so; naughty, lewd, nasty, ugly. og'zi ~ having a foul mouth. ~ qil- to make ill, to disgust. bemazabozlik s. bemazagarchilik. bemazagarchilk lewdness, indecency, nastiness. bemazagarlik s. bemazagarchilik. bemazalashmoq to become foul, to go bad; to become tasteless, bland. [bemazalashtir-]. bemazalik foulness, nastiness; blandness. beminnat (Persian) gracious, not demanding thanks. dastyori ~ helper who does not ask for gratitude (said of children). minnatli oshdan ~ musht yakhshi It?s better to have a free punch in the face than a meal where you?re obliged to give thanks. (proverb). bemisl (Persian) unequalled, peerless; unique. bemor (Persian) ill, sick, infirm. ~ oshi food cooked for a sick person; grease-free food. bemorlik illness, ill health, infirmity. bemubolag'a w/o exaggeration. bemuddat (Persian) termless, not limited in time; eternal. bemuhlat (Persian) s. bemuddat. bemuruvvat (Persian) ungenerous; having no redeeming qualities; merciless. bemustasno (Persian) w/o exception. benarvon w/o a ladder. yulduzni ~ uradigan a real go-getter. benasib dispossessed, deprived; not blessed, not fortunate. benavbat (Persian) out of turn, w/o waiting one?s turn. benavo (Persian) destitute, deprived. benazir (Persian) matchless, unequalled, unique. benihoya(t) (Persian) endless, infinite; endlessly, infinitely. benom (Persian) nameless. ~ (u)-nishon unknown, nameless, w/o renown; without a trace. benomus (Persian) shameless, unprincipled. benomuslik shamelessness; shame, disgrace, indecency. beno'xta unbridled; unruly. benuqson (Persian) faultless, perfect. benuqsonlik fautlessness. benzin (Russian) benzene; gasoline, petrol. benzokolonka (Russian) gasoline station. benzol (Russian) benzol. beobro'(y) (Persian) not respected, ill-respected, looked down upon. ~ qilto disparage; to discredit. beodob lit.: (Persian) s. beadab. beo'lchov w/o measure, innumerable. beomon (Persian) mercilessly, pitilessly, w/o pardon. beomonlik mercilessness. beoqibat (Persian) s. oqibatsiz. beor (Persian) shameless. ~ o't weed. beorlik shamelessness, lack of morals or respect. ~ qil- to behave shamelessly or impudently. beorom (Persian) restless, unpeaceful. beo'xshov uncomely, unattractive. beozor (Persian) harmless, painless; painlessly, gently. bepadar (Persian) bastard. bepand (Persian) unstable. beparanji (Persian) not wearing a paranji; unveiled. beparda (Persian) unveiled, direct; blunt, indiscrete. bepardoz (Persian) make-upless, plain. beparhez (Persian) not following a prescribed diet, not dieting; (arch.) unclean, vile. beparovuz (Persian) plain, undecorated, without any trimming. og'zi ~ foul-mouthed, rude. beparvo (Persian) indifferent, unconcerned, apathetic. beparvolik indifference, unconcern, detachment. ~ bilan indifferently. ~ qilto be unconcerned or indifferent towards. bepisanda w/o condition or stipulation. beposhna flat-soled, having no heel. bepoyon (Persian) limitless, endless, infinite. bepoyonlik limitlessness. bepul moneyless; free. beqadr (Persian) s. qadrsiz. beqaror (Persian) undecisive, vacillating; fickle, unreliable, capricious; unsettled. beqarorlik capriciousness, irresoluteness. beqasam striped material used for making chopons. beqiyos (Persian) incomparble; immense, boundless. beqo'nim inconstant; restless; drifter.beqonun lit.illegal. bequsur (Persian) faultless, perfect. bequvvat (Persian) powerless, weak. bequvvatlik powerlessness, weakness. berahm (Persian) merciless. berarmon a giver, one who gives generously or abundantly. berasi debt, s.t. owed or to be returned. berch tough, chewy, rubbery. berdanka (Russian) a type of rifle used by the Russian military during the 19th c. berdi ~sini aytguncha, urib o'ldirasanmi? You're not going to let me finish what I'm saying? beret(ka) (Russian) beret. beri hither, the near side of, this side of, this way; (+~ qara! Look this way. yig'lamoqdan ~ bo'l- to be on the verge of crying. uch yildan ~ for three years. 1987dan ~ since 1987. ~gi the near (one). berilliy (Russian) beryllium. berilmoq pass. of ~gan part. of ~ganlik enthusiasm, engrossment; devotion. berilmovchanlik temperance; immunity, resistance. beriluvchan susceptible. beriluvchanlik susceptibility. beriroq berk. berk closed, closed off, shut, covered. boshi ~ ko'chha dead-end street.berli arch.s. beri. bermoq to give; to deliver, provide. -a ~to continue to do, to keep on doing. ta?zir ~- to punish s.o., to teach a lesson to. ahamiyat ~- to lend importance to, to value, to pay attention to. bardosh ~- to lend fortitude, give strength. bo'y ~- to give in, to do as you?re told; to back off. boy ~- to lose (game). vazifa ~- to assign a task; to commission. firib ~- to dupe. foyda ~- to augment, help; to be useful, profitable. javob ~- to answer. jilov ~- to give free rein to. jon ~- to give up the ghost. -ib ~- to do s.t. for s.o. ~ib ket- to drop off, to leave. ~ib tur- to give s.o. s.t. for a short time. ijaraga ~- to rent out. imtihon ~- to take an exam. yig'ib ~- to gather for s.o. kiraga ~- to give out for hire. ko'rinish ~- to show o.s. kun ~ma- to torment, trouble, make life difficult or impossible. maosh ~- to pay (salary). olib ~- to bring. olib borib ~- to take s.t. to s.o. omon ~- to spare. omon ~may unmercilessly. o'qib ~- to read to s.o. pardoz ~- to decorate, to embellish. qarzga ~- to loan. qo'ldan ~- to let escape, to lose. qo'yib ~- to put s.t. down/s.w. for s.o.; to let go. savol ~- to ask a question. so'z ~- to give one?s word. so'kib ~- to yell at for s.o. else. sut ~maydigan sigir a cow with no milk. tan ~- to concede. turib ~- to stand still and endure. turish ~- to hold one?s ground. ustiga ~- to add to, to augment. xabar ~- to inform. xotin ustiga qiz ~- to marry one?s daughter off to a married man (polygamy). shahar ~- to give up (answering a riddle). chap ~- to avoid, steer clear of. E?tibor ~- to consider, pay attention to. Erga ~- to marry off (daughter). husn ~- to beautify. [berdir-, beril-, berish-]. bertole tuzi: potassium chlorate. beruxsat (Persian) w/o permission, unauthorized, illicit. besabab (Persian) w/o cause, w/o reason. besabr (Persian) impatient. besabrlik impatience. besanoq innumerable. besar (Persian) ~ bo'l- to be disorderly, confused. ~ qil-/Et- to disrupt, confuse. besaramjom s. besaranjom. besaranjom (Persian) disorderly, confused, disrupted, troubled. ~ xotin ~ besarishta unsettled, disorderly. besarishtalik disorder, disarray. besh 1: five. ~ baho sol- to get an ?A?. ~ qo'l baravar Emas No two people are made alike. ~ ket- to draw a flush (cards); to outdo s.o. ~ qo'lni/~ battar\n\n2: (Persian) ~ battar (w/neg.) much worse, much more. beshafqat (Persian) pitiless, merciless. beshak 1: (Persian) without a doubt, beyond a doubt.\n\n2: (Persian) a type of early-ripening melon.beshala coll.(all) five (fingers, etc.). beshamak a secondary irrigation ditch which feeds directly onto the fields. besharm (Persian) shameless, indecent, lewd.beshbarg bot. beshbarmoq 1: a noodle dish (s. shipildoq).beshbarmoq 2 bot.tree of chastity, lilac chaste tree. beshbel a narrow-wasted camisole. beshburchak pentagon. beshburchakli pentagonal. beshburchaklik pentagon. beshik cradle. ~ to'yi a celebration held when an infant is placed in the cradle for the first time. ~ ketdi s. ~ asbob bedding and ornaments for a cradle. ~ini tebrat- to rock a cradle; to raise, rear. sen mening ~imni tebratqanmisan? said to s.o. not showing due respect to an older person. beshikast (Persian) w/o harm, undamaged; safely, peacefully. beshik-belik cradle and associated items of bedding, etc. beshikkerti betrothal of infants while still in the cradle. beshikso'poq (having a) head misshapen by laying in a cradle, flat-headed.beshiktervatar zool.praying mantis. beshinchi fifth. beshkokil hair braided in groups of five. beshko'tarar a card game played by distributing cards in fives. beshkurash pentathlon. beshlik a stanza consisting of five lines; a five-person group; the five of (spades, etc.). beshmat (Persian) a kind of quilted coat. beshotar five-shooter. beshov five (people or things) (used as a noun). beshovimiz the five of us. beshovlab in fives, five at a time. beshovlon the five of (people), as five (people), five (together). beshqarsak a type of dance involving clapping. beshqarta s. beshko'tarar. beshta s. besh. beshtalik coll. a five-note bill. beshurug' type of watermelon with few seeds. besoat untimely, inopportune. besoch hairless. beso'naqay huge, massive, clumsy, hulking. ~ kiyim clumsy, awkward clothing. besoqol beardless; comely boy kept as a dancing boy (s. bachcha). besoqolboz keeper or master of a dancing boy. besoqolbozlik keeping a dancing boy; interest in, participation in dancing boy performances; pederasty. beso'roq w/o permission; w/o interrogation. bessemer (Russian) ~ protsessa the Bessemer process. ~ konverteri Bessemer converter. ~ po'lati Bessemer steel. bessemerlash treatment with the Bessemer process. besuyak boneless. bet 1: face; cheek; page; side, bank, shore; blade. ~i yo'q shameless, impudent. ~i qalin/~i qora shamed, disgraced. qanday ~ bilan How in the world? How shamefaced! ~ chidamaydi You should be ashamed. You should learn. ~i qursin! To hell with him! Damn him! ~ga ayt- to say s.t. openly and honestly. ~ga chop- to say to s.o.?s face. ~iga oyoq qo'y- to fly in the face of, to defy. ~iga qaramay- w/o taking into account. ... ~ini ko'rmagan said of s.o. who has not experienced s.t. ~ini yul- to scratch one?s face in anguish, grief.bet 2 coll.s. bu yer. beta (Russian) beta. ~-nurlar beta rays. betadbir shortsighted, reckless, unthoughtful. betahlika (Persian) harmless, safe. betakalluf (Persian) w/o ceremony, unceremniously. beta'lim (Persian) ill-trained, poorly raised, ill-bred. beta?m (Persian) unsavory, bad-tasting. betamiz (Persian) simple, guileless. betamizlik simple-mindedness, guilelessness. betaraf (Persian) neutral; abstaining. ~ tur- to keep o.s. neutral, to stay out of (conflict). ~qil- to make neutral. ~ qolto remain neutral. betaraflik neutrality. betarafona in a neutral manner, objectively. betartib (Persian) disordered, chaotic, unorganized; disorderly, unruly. betartiblik disorder. ~ qil- to put into disarray, to cause disorder. betashvish (Persian) untroubled, easy-going, carefree, careless, relaxed. beta'sir (Persian) senseless, nonsensical; thick-skinned, impudent. betavfiq (Persian) unbeliever, atheist; depraved. betayin uncertain; fickle, unreliable, wishy-washy; questionable, indefinite. betergov w/o undergoing interrogation. betgachopar brazen, bold. betimsol (Persian) unique, unequalled. betinch unpeaceful, troubled. betinchlik disturbance, disquiet, discord. betinim unceasing, unrelenting, tireless. betkay the facing side of s.t. (relative to s.t. else). kunga ~ tomon the sunny side. betlamoq 1: to face (up to). yuragi ~madi He couldn?t get up the nerve. [betlash-, betlashtir-]\n\n2: to paginate. [betlash-] betma-bet face-to-face. betob (Persian) ill, ailing, sickly. betoblanmoq v.i. to become ill. betoblik infirmity, ill health. betochar ceremony the day after a wedding in which the new bride formally greets the groom's relatives. betoj w/o a crown; uncrowned; w/o a cockscomb. beton (Russian) concrete. betonchi concrete worker. betonlamoq v.t. to pave or cover with concrete. [betonlan-] betoqat (Persian) impatient, fretful. ~ bo'l- to be hasty; to fret. ~ qil- to make impatient. betoqatlanmoq v.i. to become impatient, fretful. [betoqatlantir-] betoqatlik hastiness, impatience, fretfulness. betovon w/o compensation. beto'xtov unceasingly, w/o stopping; immediately. betsiz shameless, impudent. betsizlik shamelessness, insolence. betutun smokeless. ~ dori smokeless powder. betuturiq inconstant, unreliable, flighty; muddled, nonsensical. beunum w/o result, fruitless, unproductive. beustuxon (Persian) boneless. beuyqu w/o sleep, sleepless. beva (Persian) widow, widower. beva-bechora (Persian) widows and orphans; the needy. bevafo (Persian) unfaithful. ~ dunyo transient world. bevafolik unfaithfulness. bevaj(h) (Persian) groundless, unfounded. bevalik widow(er)hood. bevaqt (Persian) early; untimely, at a bad time; late at night. bevaqtlik untimeliness. bevasiqa (Persian) lacking papers, unregistered; unreliable, flighty. bevatan (Persian) bereft of a homeland, countryless. bevosh s. bebosh. bevosita (Persian) w/o intermediary, directly. bex bot.: (Persian) Carline thistle. bexabar (Persian) uninformed, unaware, ignorant of. ~ qol- to be left unaware. bexarxasha (Persian) passive, quiescent; without a fight, without argument. bexatar (Persian) harmless, safe. bexatarlik safety. bexato (Persian) w/o error; faultless, seamless. ~ yoz- ~ ot- bexavf (Persian) free of danger, safe(ly). disgust, to get on s.o.'s nerves, to distress. jondan ~ qil- to make s.o. thoroughly disgusted, to drive s.o. to distraction. bexavotir (Persian) free of worry, safe, secure. bexavotirlik safety, freedom from worry. bexirad obs. (Persian) witless, unintelligent. bexislat (Persian) lacking any redeeming qualities, wretched. bexos(dan) (Persian) unanticipated; unintentionally. bexosiyat (Persian) with no redeeming qualities; vile, contemptible. bexud (Persian) unconscious. ~ bo'lto not feel well. beyuk carrying nothing, empty. beyuz shameless. bez 1: gland, tumor; thick-skinned, insolent. ~ bo'lib to react insolently, to not respond. ~ ter- to become deeply involved in work, to work energetically.\n\n2: (Russian) coarse calico cloth. bezahmat w/o labor or hardship. bezak adornment, decoration. dasturxon ~ victuals and viands adorning a tablecloth. bezakdor s. bezakli. bezakli adorned, decorated. bezamoq v.t. to decorate, adorn, embellish, beautify. [bezal-, bezan-, bezantir-, bezat-, bezatil-, bezatish-, bezash-] bezanglamoq to balk, to be startled. [bezanglat-, bezanglash-] bezarar (Persian) harmless. bezavol (Persian) inexhaustible, undying, everlasting. bezaxa undamaged, unscarred, unblemished, unsullied. bezbet insolent, impudent. bezbetlik impudence. bez-bez ~ og'ri-/yuragi ~ qil- to balk at s.t. bezgak malaria.bezgaldak zool.little bustard. bezillamoq to shy away from; to balk at; to ache, throb (fatigue). [bezillat-]. beziyo dull, dark, obscure, faint. beziyon (Persian) harmless. bezli glandular. bezmoq v.i. (+dan) to become disgusted with, tired of, repulsed by, turned off from; to have one's full of. [bezdir-, bezdiril-] bezor fed up, disgusted. ~ bo'l- to have enough of, to be tired of. ~ qil- to bezori (Persian) thug, crook, punk, hoodlum. ota ~ one so crooked that even his own father is disgusted. bezorijon ~ qil- to make (s.o.) fed up (with s.t); to bore. bezorilik abstr. of ~ qil- to perform criminal or lawless acts. bezot (Persian) mongrel; of low-class origin. bezovta bothered, troubled, distracted. ~ qil- to disturb. bezovtalanmoq to become distracted, bothered. bezovtalik uneasiness, restlessness. bezraymoq to stare insolently; to gawk; to stay put stubbornly or insolently. [bezraytir-]bi coll. dial.s. bibi.bibi coll.(grand)mother (as a title). Bibi Seshanba patron saint of thread spinners for whom women perform a special ceremony on Tuesdays.bibish arch.lady (form of address). bibliograf (Russian) bibliographer. bibliografik (Russian) bibliographical. bibliografiya (Russian) bibliography. biblioteka (Russian) library (s. kutubxona). bibliotekachi librarian. bichilmoq pass. of bich-; to become chapped. bichim cut, style. bichimli fetching, comely, sharp. bichimsiz sloppy, shoddy, lumpy. bichiq cut, style; pattern. bichiqchi cloth-cutter. bichiqchilik cloth-cutting. bichiqlik cut out, ready for tailoring. bichish-tikish tailoring, sewing, clothes-making. bichmoq v.t. to cut out (cloth for clothing); to cut, close (a deal), to agree on (price); to castrate. birovga kafan ~- to wish s.o. dead. gapga ~gan gifted at talking. ~ib to'qi- to spread rumors about. [bichil-, bichish-, bichtir-] bichuvchi s. bichiqchi. bid'at (Arabic) religious innovation, heresy; old traditions and beliefs. bid'atchi s. bid'atkor. bid'atkor (Persian) heretic; adherent to the ways of the past. bid'atkorchi heretic. bid'atkorlik heresy, hereticalness. bidillamoq s. bidirla-. bidir-bidir jibber-jabber, prattle, jabbering. bidirlamoq to jabber, prattle. [bidirlash-] bidon (Russian) can, tin. bifshteks (Russian) steak (and gravy) dish. big'-big' Wah wah! (sound of infant crying). big'illamoq to wail. [big'illat-, big'illash-] bigiz awl. qo'lni ~ qil- to point a finger at. bigizgtumshuq a type of butterfly; wren. bigizlamoq to puncture with an awl; to rain with abuse. bigizposhna spike-heeled.bihi dial.s. behi. bihisht lit.: (Persian) heaven. bihishti (Persian) a type of grape.bij-bij ono.abuzz, teeming (with insects, etc.). go'shtni ~ qurt bosibdi The meat is crawling with maggots. bijg'imoq to ferment; to become rancid; to say foul things; to boil over (scandal, etc.). [bijg'it-, bijg'itish-, bijg'ish-] bijillamoq s. bijirla-. bijimoq s. ~b yotibdi teeming with (insects, etc.).bijildoq coll.chatterbox, loudmouth. bijir-bijir 1: ~ qil-/gapir-/so'zla- s. bijirla-.\n\n2: teeming with (insects, etc.); jumbled, confused, dazzling. ~ qilib yozilgan xat minute writing. bijirlamoq 1: to jabber, to prattle, to blather. [bijirlat-, bijirlash-]\n\n2: to swarm, team with (insects, etc.). [bijirlat-] bikir robust, sturdy; coarse, crude.l bikr obs. (Arabic) chaste girl, virgin.bikri baliq zool.sturgeon. bilaguzuk bracelet. bilak forearm; arm; (fig.) physical strength; labor. ~ kuchi physical strength; work, labor and its rewards. ~ida kuchi bor He is strong, able. ~ shimarib to roll up one's sleeves (s. eng shimarib). bil'aks (Arabic) to the contrary. bilan (together) with, and; by, from. shu(ning) ~ along with this. (kel)ishi ~ as soon as (he came). kuni ~ every day, day by day. -gan ~ by (do)ing... halvo degan ~ og'iz chuchimaydi The mouth doesn't taste sweetness just by saying the word "sweet" (i.e., just words are not enough). ~ birlikda together with; at the same time as. bilang-bilang qil-: s. bilangla-. bilanglamoq to writhe, to twist. [bilanglat-, bilanglash-] bilar-bilmas without being sure; hastily. bilard (Russian) billiards. bilarmon proficient, skilled, competent, well-versed; know-it-all. bilarmonlik abstr. of ~ qil- to be a know-it-all.bilch-bilch ono.squish-squish (sound of walking through mud). ~ loy sticky mud. bilchillamoq v.i. to squish, to squelch (in mud). bildirish v.n. of bildir-; notification, communication. bildirmoq caus. of bil-; to make known; to inform, tell; to show, indicate; to prove. [bildiril-, bildirish-] bilet (Russian) ticket, card, note. biletchi ticket seller; ticket-taker. bilgich knowing, knowledgable. bilgir s. bilgich. bilik (biligi /bilgi): o'z ~ica/~i bilan on one's own; in one's own way; by one's own wits. bilim knowledge; learning, education. ~ yurti institution of higher learning; (hist.) institute of pedagogy. "Bilim" jamiyati a Soviet-era volunteer society for spreading mass public education. bilimdon ~don learned, well-educated, knowledgable; competent, experienced. bilimdonlik abstr. of ~donlik qil- s. bilarmonlik qil- bilimdor s. bilimdon. bilimli s. bilimdon. bilimsiz uneducated, incompetent, ignorant. bilimsizlik ignorance, inexperience, incompetence. bilinar-bilinmas faint, barely detectable; quietly, imperceptibly. bilinarli noticeable, to a noticeable degree. bilinmoq pass. of bil-; to be known; to be noticed, felt. [bilintir-] biliqsimoq to become vile, dirty, foul. [biliqsit-] bilish v.n. of ~imcha as far as I know, to the best of my knowledge. biliska a short thread which is threaded through the eye of a cobbler's needle for drawing through the main thread. bilittifoq arch. in accord. (Arabic) in concert, biljiramoq to blather, babble. [biljirat-, biljirash-] billa s. birga. billo(h) arch. (Arabic) by God. ~(y)i azim by God Almighty, by the great God above.billo(yi) coll.s. billoh. billur (Persian) crystal. billurin (Persian) crystal (clear).billurlash- arch.to become crystal clear, to crystallize. bilmoq to know; to know how; to deem; to know of, to be (only) nominally acquainted with. ~asizmi Do you know? ~madim I don't know.; maybe... ~may/~masdan unknowingly, unintentionally. ~masam How should I know? kim ~sin/~adi Who knows? Xudo ~sin/~adi God knows. ~ganini qilsin Let him do what he sees fit. o'zingiz ~asiz It's up to you. Do what you want. ~ganing ~gan Do as you see fit. ~ganingdan qolma You know what's best.. Do as you like. tilini ~- to know the secret of s.t., to know how to use s.t. well. qush tilini qush ~adi It takes a bird to know birds' speech. [bilgiz-, bildir-, bilin-, bilintir-, bilish-]bila obs.s. bilan.bilag'on coll.wise, all-knowing; masterful. bilong'i warped. bilonihoya (Arabic) without end; innumerable, endless. bilotark (Arabic) continuously, ceaselessly, w/o letup.bilq-bilq ono.squishy, mushy. ~ tuproq loose dirt. bilqildoq squishy, sticky, mushy. bilqillama s. bilqildoq. bilqillamoq to swish; to heave; to gurgle (mud). [bilqillat-] biluvchan knowledgable; perceptive. biluvchi act. part. of bil-; one who knows; knowledgable, versed. bilvosita (Arabic) indirectly. bimetall (Russian) bimetallic. bimetallar bimetallic substances. bin (Arabic) s. ibn. binafsha (Persian) violet. binar (Russian) binary. bino (Arabic) building. ~ bo'l- to be built, constructed; to come into being, to be created. ~ qil- to build, establish. ~ qo'y- to cherish, be fond of; to blindly rely on. umri ~ bo'lib, dunyo ~ bo'lib/dunyo ~ bo'lgandan beri since the creation of the world; for one's entire life. binoan (Arabic) in accordance with, according to. ~ alayh it follows that..., therefore... binobarin (Persian) therefore, consequently, it follows that. binokl (Russian) binoculars. binokor (Persian) builder, constructor, architect; creator, founder. binokorlik building construction. binom (Russian) binomial. binoyi (Persian) fine, splendid. binoyiday/dek s. binoyi. bint 1: arch. (Arabic) daughter (of).\n\n2: (Russian) gauze bandage. bintlamoq to wrap with gauze. biofizik (Russian) biophysicist. biofizika (Russian) biophysics. biografik (Russian) biographical. biografiya (Russian) biography. biolog (Russian) biologist. biologik (Russian) biological. biologiya (Russian) biology. bioximik (Russian) biochemist; biochemical. bioximika (Russian) biochemistry. biplan (Russian) biplane. biq-biq 1: heavy bubbling sound.\n\n2: ~ bo'lib semir- to become round, obese.biqilla- ono.to bubble thickly. biqinmoq v.i. dial.: to hide (s. bekin-).biqin anat.side (of the body). och ~ waist. ~ida in the bosom of, nearby.biqiq dial.detached, secluded, isolated. biqir-biqir s. biq-biq. biqirlamoq s. biqilla-. biqmoq ~ib yot- to lie in wait, lie in ambush. [biqtir-] poor. ~ kun Emas ~ kun sooner or later, one of these days. ~ni ikkiga olto pay twice as much for. ~ini olib, ~iga uradigan One is as bad as the other. ~ so'zni ikki qil- to not do what one is told. odam dunyoga ~ keladi You only come into this world once. ~ yaxshi yigit Ekan He's one fine young man. biz ~ joyda o'qidik We studied at the same place. ~ men rozi bo'lmadim Only I disagreed. ~ xil the same. ~ xillar(i) certain/some people. ~ xilda of one kind. ~ qolipda/~ gap bo'lar Something will come up, We'll think of something. biqqaday ~ semir- to swell up, become obese. biqqi obese, corpulent. biqsimoq to go foul; to smoke heavily; to say lewd things. [biqsit-] biqtirma lying in wait, secreted. bir one; a(n); some; once; quite; the same; only. ~-ikki one or two; one or two times. ~ odam keldi A person came. Somebody came. ~ bor Ekan, ~ yo'q Ekan once upon a time. ~ bo'l- to be one, to be united; to be the same...~ bo'lsa perhaps. ~ qil- to unify, unite. ~i ikki bo'lmaydi He will always remain birakay one, but as good as many; all at once; once, but properly. ~iga (done) once, but (done) right. biram quite, such, very, so. birato'la(si)(ga) all at once; all the way, completely. bir-bir s. birma-bir. bir-biri each other. ~ bilan with each other, together. ~ uchun for each other. ~ga to/for each other; mutually, together. ~dan from/than each other. ~dan chiroyli each prettier than the next. bir-birovi s. bir-biri. birda one day (or other). ~ Emas, ~ or ~ bo'lmasa, ~ one day, sooner or later, one of these days. birdam unanimous, solidary. birdamlik solidarity, unanimity. birdan suddenly, all of a sudden; altogether, all at once. birdan-bir all alone, solitary. birdaniga s. birdan. birday/dek as one, the same, identical; uniform; always, all the time. birdaylik identity, sameness. birga together. ~ qo'sh- to mix, add together. birgalashmoq to join together, to do s.t. togehter, to join forces. [birgalashtir-] birgalik togetherness, unity. ~da together, conjointly. ~ nisbat cooperative voice. ~ Ergash gaplar coordinative subordinate clause.?? birikish v.n. of birik-; fusion. birikma compound. birikmoq v.i. to collect, combine, join together, unite. [birikish-, biriktir-, biriktiril-] biriktirmoq v.t. caus. of birik-; to consolidate. biriktiruv bog'lovchisi: conjunction. biriktiruvchi v.n. of ~lar conjunctions. birikuvchi s.t. which collects, joins, unites, etc. ~ bog'lovchi conjunction. ~ to'qima connective tissue. birin-birin one after the other. birinch dial.: (Persian) rice (s. guruch). birinchi first; number one; first time. ~ galda/~si the first. buni ~ ko'rishim This is the first time I've seen this. birinchidan first of all... birinchilik first place. birinj arch. (Persian) bronze. birin-ketin one after another, one following another. birin-sirin s. birin-birin. birisi kuni: the day after tomorrow. birja (Russian) (stock) exchange. fond ~si stock exchange. tovar ~si commercial exchange. mehnat ~si labor registry office, labor exchange. birjachi stock broker. birka (Russian) tag, label. birkesar firm, uncompromising (saying things only once). birkitmoq s. biriktir-. [birkitil-]birla arch.with, together with. birlab s. bittalab. birlamchi first, initial; primary, fundamental. ~ o'rama primary winding. birlan (obs.): s. bilan. birlashgan united. ~gan Millatlar Tashkiloti the United Nations. birlashma association, union. ~ xo'jalik plani common economic plan. birlashmoq to unite, join (together), combine. [birlashtir-, birlashtiril-] birlik unity; unit; singular. birlikda together. birma-bir one by one; one at a time; in order, in succession. birmuncha several, quite a few; a certain amount; rather a few/much. birnecha several. birnima something (or other). birodar (Persian) brother (formal, fig.) birodarlarcha as brothers. birodarlashmoq to join arms, get along as brothers, fraternize. birodarlik brotherhood. birodarona brotherly, in a brotherly way. birong'or (hist.): right flank of an army. biron(ta) s. birorta. biroq except, yet. biror(ta) some (or other); (w/neg.) any; one, a single. eyishga ~ narsa bormi? Is there anything (at all) to eat? ~ odam qolmadi Not a soul remained. birov one; someone (or other), someone else. ba'zi ~lar certain people, certain individuals. biroz some, a little. birpas a little (bit), a moment, a short while. ~ dam oling Rest a little while! ~da in no time at all, in a jiffy. ~dan keyin after a little while. ~li ish a quick job. birqadar to a certain degree, a certain degree of. birqancha several, a number of. birqator (in) one line, altogether.birqozon zool.pelican. birtalay several. biru-bor the One and Only (God). birvarakasiga s. biravarakay(iga). birvarakay(iga) all at once, in one try; (al)together; completely, thoroughly. biryo'la all at once, at the same time, in one fell swoop. biskvit (Russian) cookie, biscuit. bismillo(h) (Arabic) in the name of God (expression used when starting any act, esp. eating, setting out, entering a building, etc.) olishda ~, berishda- astag'firullo said of people who borrow money easily but dislike returning it. bisot (Arabic) woman's hope chest; belongings brought by the bride to her husband's house; belongings, possessions. bissektrisa math: (Russian) bisector. bisyor obs. (Persian) very, extremely, surpassingly. bitbildiq warbling sound made by a bedananing uyi yo'q, qayga borsa ~ said of a homeless but carefree person. bitik 1: writing, inscription; letter.\n\n2: healed, closed (wound). ko'zi ~ with eyes not yet opened; healed over (wound). bitirmoq caus. of quloqlarni ~adigan tovush deafening noise. [bitiril-] bitishmoq coop. of bit- 1; to come to an agreement, to reconcile one's differences. [bitishtir-] bitishuv v.n. of bitish-; agglutination. bitlamoq to become infested with lice. bitliqi infested with lice, lousy.bitma arch.handrwitten. bitmas never-ending, inexhaustible. ~-tuganmas inexhaustible. bitmoq 1: v.i. to end, come to an end, finish; to be settled; to be used up, exhausted. ish ~di It's finished/over. ish ~di, Eshak loydan o'tdi said of s.o. who forgets his friends after his own troubles are over. umri ~- to die, pass away. izzati ~di to be impolite, to stop being polite. qulog'i ~- to be deafened from noise. [bitir-, bitiril-, bitirish-, bitkaz-, bitkazil-, bitkiz-]\n\n2: to grow up, sprout; to heal, close (wound); to cover (plants). qanot ~- to sprout horns, wings, etc.bit- 3 obs.to write, enscribe. aql ~- to gather one's wits, to think of a solution. boshga ~gan balo unavoidable calamity/fate. peshanaga ~gan/~ib qo'yilgan written on one's forehead, foreordained. [bitish-, bitkaz-, bitkiz-, bittir-]bit zool.louse, lice. ~ ko'z (having) small squinty eyes. ity ~ (neg.) this, that, and everything; everyone and his brother. ~i to'kil- to find rest (at last), to lay back and kick one's feet up; to be fed, sated. bitov healed, closed. bitta one; one single; a(n); once. ~yu ~ one and only. er bilan ~ bo'l- to be flattened, devastated; to be all over the ground. ~si someone. ~-~ one by one, one at a time; slowly. bittalab one (piece) at a time. olmalarni ~ terdim I picked the apples one at a time.bittanga coll.one 20-kopeck coin. bitta-yarimta one or so. bitumlar (Russian) bituminous substances.bituvchilik lit.harmony, cooperation, concurrence.bix bot.soapwort.biy 1 hist.leader of a tribe or clan; title given to var. high positions; local ruler or magistrate (among Qazaq and Qirghiz). chipqonning ~i a large boil.biy 2 dial.s. bibi. biy 3: tarantula.\n\n4: ~ dala empty, open steppe. ~day/dek wide open, empty.biya zool.mare. biylamoq to dare to confront, face. [biylat-] biylik abstr. of biy 1; overlordship; administration. biyobon (Persian) desert, waterless waste. biyoboniy (Persian) desert-dweller. biyron 1: tili ~ gifted speaker, talker; boisterous.\n\n2: well-done (food).\n\n3: s. jig'ibiyron. biyron-biyron masterly (speech). biyronlashmoq to become talkative, well-spoken; to become boisterous. biyronlik eloquence.biyurg'un bot.biurgun (Anabasis).biz-biz ono.buzz-buzz. biz we. bizbizak whirligig made by passing a string through small round object and pulling on the ends of the string to make a buzzing or whistling sound.bizilla- ono.to whir. biznes (Russian) business. biznesmen (Russian) businessman. bizniki ours; our home. bizoat arch. (Arabic) wealth, capital. “b”lamoq v.i. ~b gapir- to insert a "b" before each vowel (a kind of pig Latin). blank(a) (Russian) blank, form. blindaj (Russian) dugout. blok (Russian) coalition; block. blokada (Russian) blockade. bloknot (Russian) notebook. bluza (Russian) smock. bluzka (Russian) blouse. blyuming (Russian) blooming (mill).bo 1 dial.again; as well; Oh! bo 2: (Persian) (together) with.bo'b coll.bo'lib. bo+ (Persian) s. ba+. boadab (Persian) well-mannered. boadablik good manners. boadabona courteously, politely. bob (Arabic) chapter; aspect. ~ida with respect to, concerning. bobillamoq to yell, scream (at). [bobillash-] of a district in Bukhara; village elder. ~(yi) dehqon patron saint of farmers; a skilled farmer. Qor ~ snowman; Santa Claus. bobiy hist.: (Persian) Babist, a member of the B? sect. bobiylik the B? sect. bobo grandfather; father (epithet); (hist.) title given to the chief of police bobokalon (Persian) great-grandfather; ancestor, forefather. bobotil protolanguage. bobov children's speech: dog, puppy. boboy s. bobo. bobrik (Russian) castor, beaver (fabric). bobuna (Persian) camomile. bobunj (Arabic) s. bobuna. bochka (Russian) barrel.bod 1 lit.wind, breeze. ~i sabo the morning breeze. bod 2: (Persian) rheumatism. boda poet.: (Persian) drink, wine. bodafurush (Persian) wine-seller. bodaparast (Persian) lover of wine. bodi (Persian) og'izdan ~ kirib, shodi chiqadi to cuss like a sailor, to cuss one's head off. bodiya obs. (Arabic) desert, waste. bodom (Persian) almond. ~ (gulli) do'ppi the typical black do'ppi with stylized white almond design on each of the four sides. bodomqovoq (having) almond-shaped eyelids (a sign of beauty). bodomsimon (Persian) almond-shaped. ~ bezlar tonsils. bodomzor (Persian) almond grove. bodparak dial.: (Persian) kite (s. varrak). bodpo(y) (Persian) flashing, speedy (horse). bodramoq to puff, swell up; to pop open; to stick out (veins, etc.); to break out (in sweat). ~b ochil- to pop open, puff out (cotton bolls, etc.). bodrezak bot.: (Persian) guelder rose. bodring (Persian) cucumber. tuzlangan ~ cucumber pickle. bodroq popcorn. bodroqchi popcorn seller. bodyon s. arpa bodiyon.bofanda arch.weaver. bog' 1: (Persian) large garden, orchard; park; country house and garden. ~i.Eram garden of Paradise. istirohat ~i or tomosha ~ park. hayvonat ~i zoo. ~ qil- to plant an orchard; to make flourish, beautify. ~ ko'cha a street running between gardens and orchards outside of a city. biri ~dan (kelsa), biri tog'dan (keladi) disjointed talk, talk of this and that. uzumni ye, ~ini surishtirma enjoy it and don?t ask embarrassing questions.\n\n2: tie, string; knot; bunch, bundle. og'zining ~i qochdi s. bog'ich. bog'bon gardener, horticulturist. bog'bonlik abstr. of bog'bon; gardening, horticulture. bog'-bo'ston flourishing gardens, vineyards, orchards; a flourishing place.bog'-rog', bog'u rog'orchards, gardens, etc. bog'cha garden; nursery. bolalar ~si kindergarten. bo'g'cha s. bo'xcha. bog'dor (Persian) owner or keeper of a garden or orchard; having gardens, orchards, etc. bog'dorchilik horticulture. bog'dorlik abstr. of bog'dor; gardening, horticulture. bog'ich tie, band, fastener. og'zining ~i qochdi to open one?s mouth wide (in surprise, etc.); to fall into unrestrained chatter, prattle. bo'g'ilmoq v.i. pass of bo'g'-; to choke, suffocate. bo'g'im s. bo'ghin. bo'g'in joint, node, segment; knuckle; syllable; generation. ~lari bo'shashdi/qaltiradi to become weak in the knees (from fright). bo'g'in-bo'g'in in sections; having many sections or segments. bo'g'inli jointed, segmented, noded. ~ oyoqlilar arthropods. bo'g'iq hoarse, choked, constricted; dammed; tight, choking; oppressing; blurry. bo'g'irsoq small doughnut-like pieces of fried dough. bo'g'ish v.n. of yoqa ~ to wring s.o.?s neck, fighting with hands clasped around one another?s necks. bo'g'ishmoq v.t. coop. of bo'g'-; to fight, wrestle fiercely. [bo'g'ishtir-] bog'iston land of gardens, vineyards, etc. bo'g'iz 3pp. bo'g'izi/bo'g'zi: throat, gullet, esophagus, neck. bo'g'izlamoq to slit s.t.?s throat, slaughter, butcher. [bo'g'izlan-, bo'g'izlat-] bo'g'joma a large square piece of material for wrapping clothes and material; a bundle wrapped in such material. bog'lag'ich s.t. which ties or connects. ko'z ~ sleight of hand master, trickster. bog'lam bunch, bundle. bog'lama copula. bog'lamoq (v.t.): to tie (together, down, up), fasten, connect; to bundle, tie in bundles; to wrap up, bind; to direct (irrigation water); v.i.) to collect, fill with (pus, a wound). ipsiz ~- to bind w/o strings, to have at one?s mercy. supurgi ~- to make a broom. yog' ~- to put on fat. to'r ~- to bind melons in hanging nets (for winter storage). muhabbat ~- to fall in love. tilini ~- to be tongue-tied. qanot ~- (fig.) to sprout wings. qo'l ~- to join one?s hands (when bowing). [bog'lan-, bog'lat-, bog'lash-] bog'lanish v.n. of bog'lan-; connection, tie. bog'lanmoq pass. of ~gan qo'shma gap compound sentence. qo'li ~ib qoldi to be busy, occupied, caught up in s.t.; to have one?s hands tied, be unable to do anything. bog'liq 1: tied (up); connected with, dependent on. bir-biriga ~ masalalar problems dependent on each other.\n\n2: a double spoke that holds the two ends of a wagon wheel rim together.\n\n3: strands of wheat, etc. used to hold a bundle of grain, grass, etc. together; belt. bog'liqlik inter-connectedness; inter-relatedness. bog'log'liq tied up, tethered; tied, connected. bog'lovchi v.n. of bog'la-; (gram.) conjunction.bog'ot arch.pl. of bog'. bo'g'ma 1: cinched, cuffed, turned (collars, etc.); constricted. ~ ilon constrictor (snake).\n\n2: diptheria. bo'g'moq v.t. to choke, strangle, suffocate; to bind, constrict, wrap tightly; to dam up, cut off; to muffle. [bo'g'dir-, bo'g'diril-, bo'g'il-, bo'g'iltir-, bo'g'ish-] bo'g'ot eve (of a roof made with reeds); weir for blocking or restricting water flow in a canal. ~ tom a roof in which the ends of reeds project to form eves. bo'g'ov fetter, shackle; dam. bo'g'ovlamoq v.t. to fetter, shackle; to dam. bo'g'oz 1: pregnant (animal).bo'g'oz 2 geo.strait(s). bo'g'ozlik abstr. of bo'go'z 1; pregnancy (of animals).bo'g'ra zool.male Bactrian camel, Bactrian bull. bo'g'uvchi v.n. of bo'g'-; asphyxiant. bohayo lrnd.: (Persian) timid, modest. bo'hton (Arabic) slander. bo'htonchi slanderer. bois (Arabic) basis, reason. boizzat respected, esteemed. boj (Arabic) tariff, duty. boja brother-in-law (to one another). bo'jama pimple, blemish, acne. bojgir (Persian) tariff-taker, duty collector, customs official.bojsiz adj.duty-free. bo'ji the bogeyman. boj-xiroj hist.: (Arabic) duties, taxes, etc. bojxona (Persian) customs house. bok (Persian) fear, concern. hech ~isi yo'q It's harmless. bo'kalak s. ~ or ~i bor buzoq a calf infested with gadfly larvae. bo'kalamoq v.i. to become infested with gadly larvae. bokira lit.: (Arabic) virgin (s. qiz). bo'kirmoq v.i. to bellow, bawl. [bo'kirtir-] bo'kmoq v.i. to swell, expand, bloat. [bo'ktir-]bo'ka 1 zool.gadfly larva.bo'ka 2 zool. dial.saiga (s. sayg'oq). boks 1: (Russian) boxing.\n\n2: (Russian) quarantine.\n\n3: (Russian) a style of men's haircut. bo'ksa the pelvic area, crotch. bokschi boxer. boksit (Russian) bauxite. bo'ktargi 2: a bundle tied behind the saddle. bo'ktarmoq v.t. to tie s.t. behind the saddle, tie up in a bundle.bo'ktargi 1 zool.harrier (hawk). bol s. asal. ~ari honeybee (s. so'zidan ~ tomadi said of one whose speech is pleasing or sweet. bo'la 1: s. bo'liq.\n\n2: cousin (children of sisters). bola baby; child, boy. askar ~ soldier boy. bo'z ~ inexperienced, open-eyed youth. sahro ~si child of the wild wastes. kelin ~ young daughter-in-law. kuyov ~ young son-in-law. ko'chha ~(si) street urchin. ota(si)ning ~si child that take's after his father; child attached to his father. o'g'il ~ boy; man, manly. o'g'il ~ gap manly business, serious business. ~ ko'r- to have a child. odam ~si son of man, human. bola-baqra children, (bunches of) kids. bolacha (little) child; a type of small melon. bola-chaqa (all kinds of) children; one's family. ~ qil-/ko'r- to marry and have children. bola-chaqali married with children. bo'lajak future. bolajon dear child, kiddy, little boy/girl; s.o. who loves children. bolajonlik fondness for children. bo'lak piece, part, section; different, separate. gap ~i (gram.) part of speech. ~ qil- to divide into pieces; to form a separate household. bolakay kid-o, kid. bo'lak-bo'lak in parts, in pieces; separately, in groups. ~ qil- to divide up, to separate. bo'lakcha 1: differently; different.\n\n2: dim. of bo'lak; small piece, bit. bo'lakdan once again, over again. bo'laklamoq v.t. to divide, separate; to renew. [bo'laklan-, bo'laklat-, bo'laklash-] bo'laklik difference, distinctness, separateness. bo'lakma-bo'lak separately. bolalamoq to have offspring, to reproduce. [bolalat-, bolalatil-] bolalarcha childish, childlike. bo'lali well-grown, plump. bolali-chaqali s. bola-chaqali. bolalik abstr. of ~ka ber- to give a child to s.o. to raise. o'g'il ~ manliness, machoness. bo'lalik cousinhood. bolaparvar child-loving. bo'lar (aorist of shu ham ~ even this is enough. bo'lar-bo'lmas not yet been?; nonsensical, absurd. bu yerga kelganiga bir yil ~ it had not yet been a year since he?d come here. ~ gaplar nonsense, absurdities. bo'lashmoq v.t. to divide up, share. [bo'lashtir-] bo'lashtirmoq caus. of bo'lash-; to apportion, divide up (all of s.t.). bolasiz childless. bolasizlik childlessness. bolatoy kiddie, little one.boldir anat.calf. boldiriq s. biyurg'un. boldirli having thick calves.boldirqora bot.maidenhair. boldiz younger sister-in-law. boldoq a plain ring; earring; ornamental ring. bolg'a hammer. bolg'alamoq to hammer. to pound with a hammer. [bolg'alan-] bolgar Bulgarian. bolgarcha Bulgarian language. bo'lg'usi future, prospective; the future. bo'lib-bo'lib dividing up s.t. continually, repeatedly, one piece at a time. bolig' lit.: (Arabic) mature. bolig'lik maturity. bo'lim department, section, division. bo'limcha sub-division, sub-section. bo'limli rare: well-grown, fat, plump; sharp, competent. bo'limsiz rare: negative, obtuse (s. landavur). bo'linish v.n. of bo'lin-; division. bo'linma quotient; unit (mil.). bo'linmas indivisible. ~ fond indivisible fund of collective workers. bo'linuvchi v.n. of bo'lin-; dividend. bo'liq fat, plump, well filled-out; presence. miyaning ~ida while of sound mind. bo'lis coll. hist.: (Russian) an administrative district in Tsarist Russia consisting of several villages; the official in charge of this district. bolish pillow, cushion.bolor dial.(cross)beam. bo'lish v.n. of bo'l- 2; division.bo'lishli gram.positive.bo'lishsiz gram.negative.bo'lishsizlik affiksi gram.negative suffix. bo'lishmoq 1: v.i. coop. of bo'l- 1; to befriend, become close to; to take sides with; to reconcile differences, to come to terms.\n\n2: coop. of bo'l- 2; to share. bo'lka coll.: (Russian) small loaf of bread; roll. bo'lma room; division, department. bo'lmag'ur absurd, nonsensical; impolite, unseemly; vile, disgusting. bo'lmish (that) which has been. bo'lmoq 1: v.i. to be; to take place, happen; to be finished; to be suitable; to exist, be present; to be found; to become; (after V+-borar ~sang If you?re going to go, If you?re thinking of going?; (after V+o'qib ~dim I finished reading it.; (after +day/dek)\n\n2: v.t. to divide, break up, partition; to interrupt. [bo'ldir-, bo'lin-]\n\n~ qilbesaranjomlik: disorder, confusion; uneasiness, anxiety, distraction. bol'nitsa (Russian) hospital (s. kasalxona). boloxona (Persian) room built over the entrance to a house. boloxonador having a ~ (qilib) so'kish to cuss up a storm, to chew s.o. out royally. bolshevik (Russian) Bolshevik. bolshevik(lar)cha like a Bolshevik, in the Bolshevik spirit. bolsheviklashmoq to become (like) a Bolshevik, to join the Bolsheviks. [bol"sheviklashtir-] bolsheviklik Bolshevikness. bolshevistik (Russian) Bolshevistic. bolshevizm (Russian) Bolshevism. bolt (Russian) bolt. bolta hatchet, axe. tomiriga ~ ur- to cut s.t. off at the base, to eradicate, to do in. bo'ltak-so'ltak bits and pieces.bo'ltak dial.in bits, pieces.bo'lur arch.s. bo'lar. boltalamoq to chop with an axe, to axe.boltatumshuq zool.hawfinch.boltayutar zool.bearded vulture, lammergeier.boltiriq bot.dittander, pepperweed. bolupar ~dan ayril- to be separated from one's nearest and dearest; to be alone. bolut oak (s. Eman). bolutzor oak grove. bo'luv 1: v.n. of bo'l- 1.\n\n2: v.n. of bo'l- 2; division. bo'luvchi 1: v.n. of bo'l- 1.\n\n2: v.n. of bo'l- 2; divisor. bomaslahat (Persian) s. bamaslahat. bomba (Russian) bomb. bombardimon (